Here is the video from my segment.
A couple pictures that I snapped during the hour I was there are included below. It was a live broadcast and I was really worried about flubbing up, but I think I did okay. My main goal for doing this, is hoping that we can get some more folks interested in joining our local rug hooking groups. It would be so awesome if we had enough people to make it feasible to invite national teachers to come to Utah.
you were great. How exciting
Whoohoo Gayle, you were awesome! I can now tell my friends I knew you before you were a TV celebrity.
Awesome! You did a fabulous job Gayle! You could have your own show! Fun, fun!
Cathy ♥
What a great video and you looked beautiful, Gayle! I really do want to try this - just need to find the time. Congratulations on your show appearance - what fun!
Very nice Gayle! You did a fantastic interview.
I'm afraid I'm going to just have to start a group on my own, I've found nothing around here so far!
Way to spread the word.
Wow! You did an awesome job Gaile! You're a natural! I was riveted to the screen and enjoyed every minute!
I agree with Cathy, you could easily have your own show.
Hi Gayle,
Great job on Studio Five! Congratulations! I'll post a link on my blog.
Second Hand Chicks
Gayle you are such a lovely lady!
I am so glad you shared your moment with us.
All of your beautiful work deserved your minutes of fame.
I have a Famous Friend!! You Really did a great job and yes I would say that you were a natural also.
Way to go Gayle! That was great and you seemed so calm. How exciting and I'm glad to finally put a face with a name!
Oh my gosh!!! Love your segment, Gayle! And now I can proudly say "I knew her when ..."
You go, girl!!!
Way To Go Gayle!!!!!!
You DID look so calm! I love it! your rugs are so beautiful!
You're a pro!
OK, so where do I sign up? :-)
I would love to make these. I just live to far away from you.
OK, that last comment was from me, I didn't realize I Jr was still signed in LOL
You did an amazing job Mom! I smiled the whole time I watched it!
Go Mom! Fabulous job. You looked like you knew just what you were doing up there, and you didn't seem nervous at all. I know I would have been.
Way to go Gayle! You did a great job. And you looked cute too!
WOW. Can I have your autograph? You're a celebrity! You did a great job. Mimi
your hair looks awesome!!! visiting from Charlotte's blog... so, I had to chuckle when you said you were a hooker... hahaha! and I loved your little "Hooked on hooking" comment! those projects are cool!
by the way, your hair looked really awesome!
ooops... i guess i thought your hair looked so good i had to mention it twice above and posted it before i realized it!
Gayle - Congrats on your TV debut - what a great segment you did! Thanks so much for sharing it! You did amazing - I would have been a stuttering fool! Loved when they put up the "Gayle Burton Rug Hooking Hobbyist" LOL
Gayle, That was great. I have wanted to try this hobby for so long but never saw a how-to up close. I now want to get started. I am so excited to see this. Thanks for sharing. Jo
Gayle ~
That is just too cool. I would have sounded like a blubbering idiot!
Pug hugs :)
That was wonderful. Time to get my supplies out of the back of the closet, you inspired me to hook again.
Wow !! Gayle you were great. Wish you lived closer.
You were fantastic Gayle! Very wonderful job covering all the basics. If you don't get some interested people from that then I don't know what else you could do! You made it look so easy and your rugs looked great! You looked great too! Cathy G
Gayle, I saw you last week and loved the segment! Silly me, it didn't register that I "knew" you. You did an incredible job!!! I envy anyone who can make a TV appearance and look calm and cool and present themselves well like you did. You even piqued my interest in rug hooking. Congratulations on your fifteen minutes of fame!!! You were terrific!
Good for you Gayle !
Thanks to Wanda's link, I was able to view a Utah video clip in South Florida! You would make a wonderful Ambassador for the art of rug hooking. Very nicely done - hope you gets lots of local feedback.
Bing - Sunshine Hookers, Marathon,FL
Wonderfully done Gayle!
Hope it brings interest to your group!
Wow Gayle,
You did a fantastic job! I loved every minute of the segment. If I were in your area and saw this, I would be on the phone in a minute. I hope you stir up many future rug hookers!
What a great opportunity for you. Congratulations!
Gayle! You look amazing and you did SO WELL! (I love your shirt! It's super cute) I am so proud to know you...You did the art of rug hooking in Utah some wonderful things by doing this segment. Fantastic job. Can't wait to hear about what comes of it. I miss you and our rug hooking retreats! Those were good times. Maybe again some day, right? :)
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