My longtime friend Madge also has her new cookbook for sale at an amazing price of only $5 in the store- I had to buy a copy for myself, and can't wait to try some of the recipes in it. I missed the cooking demonstration she did in our city a few weeks ago to promote the book, but I heard rave reviews about it.

Last night I attended the summer potluck meeting that my quilt group does every year. Surprisingly, no one brought any show & tell - which is very unusual. However, we ate our delicious food outside on Kathy's deck and I snapped a few pictures of her beautiful yard and garden that I can share with you. Kathy recently updated her kitchen and installed a tile backsplash. With the leftover tiles, she created these delightful stepping stones for the garden - each one is different and colorful.
Many years ago, our other quilt group had a construction day - all ten of us did assembly line work to make these wooden benches for our yards. Some of us did the sanding, some did the cutting, and others screwed them all together. After a break for lunch, we completed all ten of them so each person took one home finished - so fun to remember that day when I see the benches. Kathy has a collection of watering cans displayed on hers.
That looks like a fun little shop to visit! And your friend's garden is so pretty! What a nice thing to do to build everyone a garden bench!
Have a great weekend!
What a fun group to belong to. Those are my kind of gals!!
Fun store and what a beautiful yard! *nobody brought show and tell because everyone has been working in their yards!
Those stepping stones are way cute!
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