We had two new ladies at our rug hooking meeting today - they had both seen the TV segment I did a few weeks ago and were interested enough to come and see what exactly we were doing. One of the gals brought a half-finished rug that she had found when she went through her mom's things. She knows nothing about it - did her mom make it? Did her grandma make it? No idea! But it's just beautiful - and she thinks she would like to learn how to hook and try to finish it herself. It will be quite a job because there was no wool found with the rug - she'lll have to dye it all to match what has already been used. Arline in our group is the perfect resource for her because she's done exactly the same thing in the past. It's a beautiful scroll done in a #3 & #4 cut.

The other gal brought a large bag of wool clothing she'd bought at the thrift stores - she wanted to ask us if she was buying the right kind of stuff. She was very enthusiastic about everything and I know she's going to be a great rug hooker. They both found out what kind of cutters, and hooks and frames they would need to get started. I think they might be hooked!
We meet each month at Myra's house and she was getting the border hooked on this cute pumpkin rug that is her own design.
That's wonderful that you have results from your t.v. debut already! Sounds like me when I first learned to hook, wondering if I was buying the right wool! I didn't have a clue! It takes awhile of hooking to really know what you should be buying in the thrifts....My heart is so happy for your new rug hookers and you! Cathy G
Oh my, that unfinished rug is just
beautiful, it looks more like a
painting, than a rug! I sure
would love to see it when it
is finished! Thanks for
sharing it with us...
Bear Hugs~Karen
The fine cut is magnificent! Who ever did it, sure knew how to shade. And the pumpkin rug is adorable. Wonderful pieces, thanks for sharing!
That unfinished rug is absolutely stunning. I hope that she's able to finish it. It would certainly be an heirloom.
Now that you are a famous celebrity, your group will probably continue to grow. Your new addition has her work cut out for her in completing the rug, but I'm sure your group will be a great support.
Wow, that's really something! Hope she can finish the rug!
Love the pumpkin design.
You guys sound like you have lots of fun. Have a great V day. Mimi
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