Monday, May 18, 2015

Lotsa Quilts

I have several quilt projects to share today. First up is this small quilt the I made using English Paper Piecing and elongated hexagons. It measures about 16"x20" and I'm delighted with the way it turned out. Below is a picture of the completed quilt before it was washed - - -

- - - and this is how it looked after a spin through the washer and dryer - love that crinkly look that I get from using cotton batting.

A wee bit of a close-up. I just did straight line stitching using a monofilament thread about a 1/4" from each seam.

I have also finished piecing the top of this small churn dash quilt that I made by choosing the border fabric first and then finding prints to coordinate with that - very different from my normal procedure. These blocks measure 4-1/2" finished.

I've been following Cheri's SAL and am enjoying making all these 6" blocks - quite a variety so far - and I've added in a couple of my own as I stumble across them. Thinking of how I want to sew these all together.

On Saturday I attended a meeting of our rug hooking guild. One of our members works in a quilt shop and she's taken several classes from Sue Spargo. She provided us with a kit to make a book cover for a composition book, and taught us some basic stitches to embellish our work with - similar to what Sue does. It was great fun - I really enjoyed it and finished putting mine together this morning.

This bit in the center is my favorite part with the beads and the boullion stitches. I'm trying to figure out how I can do more of this type of project, but use my favorite color palette - which is much more subdued than hers. We'll see what I come up with.

Hubby & I are headed out of town later this week to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary with a trip to Seattle. Should be fun!


  1. Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a wonderful trip. Wonderful projects. I love the same thing about cotton batting.

  2. Ooooo, that first quilt would look so great full size on my bed. Lol. Have a fun anniversary trip

  3. Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful trip! Love all of your projects but I must say that the first little quilt is my favorite! I think I will add that to my list of things to make! LOL! That would make a great table runner for my dinning table and I just love the fabrics that you used.

  4. Your projects are wonderful, Gayle! Hope you have a lovely anniversary trip!

  5. I am loving both of your little quilts. Beautiful work!
    Your embellishment work on the book cover is very fun.
    Enjoy your trip--we celebrate 37 next month, but won't be getting away. We are responsible for a family reunion on the very day. :(

  6. Happy anniversary! Enjoy your time away. I love your little quiltlets, especially that churn dash. Adorable.

  7. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Gayle. I hope that you have a great trip with your Prince Charming.

    The quilts are delightful and I love that bouillon stitch too. I've never seen that type of stitch before this. Very pretty as all of your work.

  8. Happy Anniversary--enjoy your time together.

    Beautiful quilts and quilting

  9. Happy Anniversary!!!!

    Love your show and tell of your projects....I'm in the process of making the Honeycomb doll quilt. Have my Honeycombs finished and ready to sew them together, yours turned out great.


  10. Ditto on your small quilts, Gayle! The Churn Dash speaks to me the most, but I love the colors in the second done. Also your "traditional" quilting is very effective, adding to the crinkle effect.

    I'm also participating in Cheri's sew-along, and just posted my blocks (so far). Aren't they fun? I like your idea of creating a few more, I was just thinking about that yesterday when I had all my TSQs and scraps out. Now I think I will!

    Congratulations on your 35th anniversary! We just "celebrated" 30 years this week ourselves. Have a fun trip, the weather should be great in Seattle!

  11. Happy Anniversary Gayle! I hope you have a fun and safe trip.

    Thanks for all the eye candy! Love your Churn Dash quilt.


  12. First off, Happy Annivesay. Seattle is a cool place to explore.
    Second, your mini quilts ares awesome. I particularly like the elongated hexies. And then the embroidery that you did is fantastic. I would love to take a class from Sue Spargo someday. I'm sure you'll find a place for some of that lovely work In many of your projects. Great job.

  13. I love those reproduction elongated hexagons, makes a lovely mini. Your wool embroidery is lovely also. Your collection of six inch blocks are growing! Enjoy your trip away.

  14. I love those reproduction elongated hexagons, makes a lovely mini. Your wool embroidery is lovely also. Your collection of six inch blocks are growing! Enjoy your trip away.

  15. I just adore your little quilts and treasure the little pug one you made for me. I see it every day hanging in my hooking room :)
    Happy anniversary.
    Safe travels.
    Hugs :)

  16. So much beautiful eye candy. I love every project. Happy Anniversary and have a wonderful trip. Hugs

  17. The elongated hexagon quilt can come live at my house just any day! I like the crinkled look after washing.

  18. Love that elongated hexagon quilt especially. I've looked and looked at a pattern, thought about making a mini myself. Hope your anniversary weekend is wonderful! Seattle is a great town.:)

  19. Beautiful projects Gayle! Enjoy your anniversary!

  20. Beautiful quilts and projects that your working on!
    Hope your having a wonderful trip!
    Happy Anniversary!

  21. Your quilts are so beautiful, Gayle!! You amaze me with how much you accomplish. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and your husband, and Hope that your trip is fabulous!


  22. Happy 35th! Seattle is a fun place. Have a great time.

  23. Happy anniversary! Hope your trip was fun! Love your little quilts and the colors you used.


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