Saturday, June 6, 2015

Home Again

I've been home for a week now - really enjoyed our time in Seattle. The two things we enjoyed the most were Chihuly Garden & Glass - absolutely incredible.

And the rain forest on the Olympic Peninsula - everything is lush and green - so different from Utah.

I did a little applique work while traveling - I did these nine circles to finish a small Tara Lyn Darr project - - -

- - - and worked on a few of these baskets I started over five years ago. I have about 65 of them now in all sorts of scrappy colors, and think I might have figured out how I want to sew them all together. They've been to Portugal, Boston, Missouri and probably more places that I've forgotten about.

Just finished reading this book and really enjoyed it. I didn't feel like I was reading a story, but was just visiting with friends.


  1. Oh, I would love to see a Chihuly exhibit - I bet it was amazing! Glad you had a fun trip. Great little quilt from Tara's book, and your baskets are just fantastic. I am always looking for a good book - am going to Amazon now to download that one!

  2. Looks like you had an awesome trip. The Chihuly exhibit is an incredible experience of colors and shapes. Although with all the rain we've had out here in the West, we're pretty green too! Hahaha. Love your little baskets. Sounds like they're filled with traveling adventures.

  3. There are a few Chihuly pieces at the Missouri Botanical Garden over in St. Louis ... I'd love to see more, though, as they're gorgeous. Ah, the memories with those little baskets. ;-) And thanks for the recommendation on the book. I'm always on the lookout for a good book to stitch along to (I do audiobooks since I just can't quite give up quilting time for reading time LOL).

  4. Those baskets have quiet a story to tell. Are the baskets from a Blackbird book?

  5. Sounds like you have a wonderful trip! Love all of your projects! I am also making those little baskets. I love them, but I haven't worked on them for a while.

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  6. Sounds like a lovely holiday with some quiet stitching. Look forward to seeing those baskets sewn together.

  7. Hi Gayle,
    How I envy you your trip to Seattle!! I lived in WA for 10 years and sure do miss it!! Hoping to get up there to see my daughter and son-in-law this year!! We do love the CA sunshine though!! Hoping you had some clear days so you could see the mountains!!!
    It is always fun to see what you are creating!! I love the title of that book!! Who doesn't love a spool of blue thread?
    Take care and happy creating~

  8. What a fun and colorful trip!
    Love your blocks and little quilts too.

  9. What a fun trip. Can't believe it is over already and you are home. Love the quilts.

  10. sounds like a great trip!
    I love your little baskets!

  11. Nice to hear you had a lovely celebration away! We are celebrating 36 years in July! I always love to see your projects, especially those little baskets!


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