Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Rugs & Quilts

Last Tuesday I attended the monthly meeting of one of my rug groups and there was some great show & tell. Jeanette was finished with the hooking on the rug below and started finished the edge while we were all there together. Her rows are all perfectly spaced and the squares have sharp corners - I love the scrappy colors she used - the red center of each block ties everything together!

Leisa finished her Tree of Life rug and is planning to put it in a frame on a gallery wall in her home.

Sandy is working on this lovely pattern from Vintage Heart Primitives and it's so lovely! The tiny flowers really look like roses!

Shelly arrived a bit late and showed us this great rug - it's made from a kit she bought from Deanne Fitzpatrick and it's her very first project - she's a natural I think! If you look closely you can see the alpacas she added beneath the trees - she raises them so wanted to include them in this project.

Tonia traced her design onto linen at the beginning of our meeting and got this much hooked before leaving for the day. Since this picture was taken a week ago, I'm sure she has it finished by now.
(edited to add: you can see Tonia's finished pillow here)

I got one more motif hooked on this old-fashioned looking geometric I've been working on for months. Soon I'll have to make a decision on how to hook the alternate blocks - hard to choose!

A couple weeks ago I saw this cute little rug for sale in a consignment shop - wonder who hooked it?

On Friday I attended the HMQS show in SLC and was surprised to see this hooked rug in a display of teacher's projects - nice!

There was a special display of quilts at the show that had creative labels exposed and I snapped several pictures to give me inspiration for when I make labels for my own quilts. Some of them were SO clever!

The quilts below were part of a special exhibit too - they were all the same size - and each quilter had been given parameters on how much of the quilt was to be sky, how much was to be water and how much was to be beach. They were free to do anything else they wanted, and when the quilts were lined up side by side they made for a very interesting shoreline image when viewed from a distance.

Usually when I make a quilt, I will make scrappy blocks using whatever colors I think work well together, and then find something that will do for the border. However, I've started a quilt that I seem to be making backwards. I found a wonderful paisley floral print that I loved and wanted to use for the border. So I chose fabrics to coordinate with the colors in that print and made my blocks using those. In the picture below you can see the border print on top of the stack, and the block fabrics are below that. We'll see how it turns out.

My two daughters showered me with fabric gifts for Mother's Day - they know me well! On the left are some assorted FQs to add to my stash - and on the right is fabric that's a kit to make a small Kim Diehl wall hanging - I can hardly wait to start cutting! My 4-year-old grandson was very puzzled about why I would get excited about fabric - until I explained to him that those are Grandma's toys and then it made better sense to him! Too funny.....


  1. I'm amazed at the precision of Jeanette's squares on her rug. It' a beautiful rug and the others are beautiful also.

    Nice Mother's day gift... and I like how you explained that fabric is grandma's toys to your grandson. A good answer.


  2. Lots to look at in your post today. Your friends are making some beautiful rugs and yours continues to get filled in and has a real elegance about it. Glad you got some new toys to play with. I absolutely love the border print you choose. It's vibrant and will be exciting to use.

  3. What beautiful work from rugs to labels each piece was unique and special to that maker! Aren't you amazed that so many people have such creative energy? Great inspiration.

  4. Jeanette's squares are incredible.
    I love your project, Gayle. Very pretty!
    You were treated well for Mother's Day. I like the idea of fabric being our toys. : )

  5. I just love all the creative ways to label your work. Lucky you - fabric for Mother's Day !
    The rug hooking with the red dots is perfect. What a great way to "ground" lots of colors.

  6. Thanks for sharing the photos of labels, I think I need to be a bit more creative in this department! Your fabric gifts are lovely, I am a big Kim Diehl fan and look forward to seeing what you are going to make...plus the border focused quilt...your going to be very busy!

  7. Your old fashioned geometric is so perfectly hooked it looks like it was painted on ~ wish my loops looked like that.

  8. How lovely! what a talented group.
    Every thing is just so perfect.

  9. All eye candy from start to finish! I love the fabric for you new project.

  10. Gayle, you are so talented and do so many things. Your mother's day gift is just what you would want! And will use up quickly. You are such a busy girl. You inspire me to get going.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!