Thursday, March 26, 2015

I've Been Hooking!

I attended a three day rug hooking workshop last weekend, and I haven't been able to stop hooking since then! I started a brand new project and it's been so fun to work on it! Diane Stoffel was the national teacher that our rug guild brought in for this event and she was so knowledgeable and helpful. Everyone was working on totally different projects and she capably steered us all in the direction of success. I started an old floral pattern that my friend Nancy gave to me when she was cleaning out her supplies. This is supposed to be a wedding rug with love birds - - -

- - - but I changed them to bluebirds and I was able to get this much done in class - - -

- - - and have done a bit more since then. I love the swirly background that's happening in it.

Diane suggested drawing shapes like a jigsaw puzzle piece in the background and so that's what I did - it gives the rug some movement and interest.

I wrote a post for the Guild's blog that you can read HERE. I hope to get some rug pictures added to it soon. If you can't wait for that, my friend Leisa attended the class too, and has added some photos to her blog - she's a much better photographer than me so you'll enjoy seeing them HERE. And while you're there, be sure to visit THIS PAGE to enjoy a tour of her wonderful studio.

(edited to add: rug photos from the class can now be seen HERE)

I was able to meet up with Janet of Rogue Quilter one day while I was there, and we enjoyed a nice lunch together - I love spending time with her - I've met the nicest people through blogging!

I was especially taken with Diane's dye technique using a Presto electric pot and can't wait to give it a try myself (before I forget what she did)

This week has been a bit stressful for me because my wallet has gone missing. I looked for it for three days and finally gave up - have been cancelling credit cards and notifying business of the problem. Today I got a new drivers license and a new wallet. Luckily no activity was detected on any of my accounts, but there was $200+ in cash inside that I'll probably never see again - sigh! Not fun!


  1. Gayle, so sorry you've lost your wallet. I'm hoping you placed it somewhere close but forgot where. Yes, still a huge inconvenience.

    Wasn't Diane a great teacher? Hopefully she gave your class the same lesson on 'color wheel' as it was a HOOT. When I had her as a teacher she didn't do the dye class so am looking forward to you recreating it.


  2. Oh Gayle, I'm really sorry your wallet is gone missing with money in it. I hope it will turn up when you least expect it and your have your money back. You may have placed it somewhere in another pocket. I just said a prayer to St Antony of Padue , the patron saint of lost objects. I can't tell you how ofter he came to my help.

    Your rug looks wonderful and I love the movement in the background.

  3. I'm sorry too, that your wallet and contents have gone missing. You feel so vulnerable when something like that happens. So glad though that you had an awesome time at your class and I loved the picture of everyone hooking away. The background for your piece really looks great the way you have incorporated the different shades and how the smaller design units create a whole wonderful pattern. Glad you and Janet had a chance to "hook up" too.

  4. That is a beautiful rug and love the mottled wool colors. I had mine stolen with my purse, it is not fun and they used my card right after they got it, luckily it was for some gas and my card was covered, so no lose. The hassle was getting all my id's again and changing all my cards again. They also took my punch needle eye glass case and glasses, just take the money, not my stuff, lol.


  5. Love your work. As for the wallet, you will find it under your car seat or between the seats....something ridiculous. Ask me how I know....

  6. Ugh, sorry about the wallet. It's bad enough to lose the money but it's such a pain in the butt to cancel and replace everything. Glad to see you hooking again. Looks great

  7. That rug is a beauty. The background looks really good!
    Seeing your post reminds me that I have never downloaded our photos from my camera. I need to get that done and send them to you.
    So sorry about your wallet--not only the hassle, but also the loss of the $200. Ouch!

  8. Sorry about the wallet. It is not a good feeling losing something that important with money lost and cards gone. Glad you are hooking again. I like the swirly background too!

  9. Oh, Gayle, your rug is wonderful!
    So sorry about the wallet and the cash, but at least you have not had to deal with credit card issues. Hopefully you will find it and have a truly happy ending. $200 ~ that's a lot of wool!!!
    Hugs :)

  10. Hopefully the goodness of the rug retreat made the pain of your missing wallet more bearable. The goodies, the sharing, the laughter and beautiful rugs

  11. So sorry about your wallet, what a disruption in life! I think we all take simple things like this for granted until it is lost. I have been lucky, never happened to me but the Mr. has a few times.

    What a great little rug! your colors are just right.

  12. Terrible that your wallet is missing. Hope it will turn up somewhere. Love the new rug you are making.

  13. Gayle, your rug is beautiful. Because you mention it is a wedding rug - is this a gift for someone ?
    200.00 !!! Wow, I don't think I even have 2.00 in my wallet. Funny how check / debit cards have all but replaced cash !
    Hope your weekend is less stressful ;)

  14. I lost my purse a year ago, and it was finally mailed to me anonymously ... everything was in my wallet except my money (thankfully I don't carry much cash), but I went ahead and cancelled my credit cards - just in case. What a pain. Ugh.

    Your rug is coming along splendidly - I love it.

    And how blessed you are to have been able to have met up with Janet. I would love to meet up someday with some of my bloggy friends.

  15. I wish some of the rug designers would make paper patterns available for quilters. Some of the designs would make wonderful wall hangings.

  16. Sorry to hear about loosing your money and wallet. Love your new rug, especially the blue birds.

  17. I bet the workshop was a lot of fun and very inspiring! So sorry about losing your wallet, maybe it will still turn up.

  18. Your new rug is turning out beautifully, Gayle! I love your color choices.

    Sorry about your lost wallet...what a chore to replace credit cards, licenses, and medical cards...ugh!! $200 would buy lots of cool rug hooking stuff....sigh.

    Hugs, Linda

  19. Sorry about your wallet! So unpleasant!
    Love your new project and that background squiggly is awesome!

  20. So sorry you lost the wallet!
    Loved your hooking!

  21. So sorry about your wallet. Pain in the backside and stressful too. As for the hooking this is my favorite section at our fair. Your work is fabulous and that's a grat idea for the background

  22. I love your rug...can't wait to see it when it's finished.
    Sorry about your wallet. Hopefully it still turns up and your money it in there.


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