Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Just a Short Post - - -

I've been feeling under the weather all this week because I caught the crud from my hubby - ugh! I missed a rug group meeting yesterday and another one today, but I hooked at home and imagined that I was visiting with all the nice gals I look forward to seeing each month. I have finished the center of the rug I began in Diane Stoffel's class last month - now on to the border - which will look like a garden lattice.

Do you think I need to change the beaks on the birds? Seems like they don't show up very well from a distance.

Last weekend hubby & I went south for a few days, and while visiting a quilt store there I saw this cute little sign made of license plates - now I'm on the hunt for all the right letters so I can do one for quilting and another for rug hooking. Fun, huh?

I recently stumbled upon a YouTube video that I thought I'd tell you about. A gal named Annette who lives in Connecticut started filming herself hooking rugs in her basement studio about six months ago. She calls her program The Rug Hooking Talk Show.  I guess she has always been a solitary hooker and uses this as a way to connect with others in the same situation. You can view her most recent video HERE and she also blogs HERE.


  1. Your hooked rug with the birds would make a good quilt design.

  2. The beaks look fine to me, but if it is going to bother you, change 'em! : )
    The rug looks so pretty. Karen is right--it would make a great appliqued quilt. Nice subtle placement of your initials and date.
    That is a very fun license plate collage. I have never shopped for license plates before. Are they hard to find?

  3. I agree with Janet. Great pieced license plates, I'm sure you'll manage to get your own designed this year as you sound like a woman on a mission. Hope you get feeling better soon.

  4. The center of your rug is fantastic. Bird's beaks look fine from here. Very cute license plates. Some people are so clever. Get to feeling better soon.

  5. The pattern you are showing is very similar to the first rug I ever hooked. I gave it away as a wedding gift and have never seen it again. Good to see your rug as a reminder of my first effort at rug hooking.

  6. The rug is beautiful and love the wool colors.


  7. I hope you are feeling better! No fun missing hooking :(
    Your rug looks great.
    I have seen those license plate collages and they are just F-U-N!!!
    Hugs :)

  8. Sorry you have been ill, I've been under the weather all week too, getting better, but it is slow going. Love the bird rug, up close they show up well, I guess it depends on the look you are going for. Take care!

  9. So sorry you haven't been feeling well - not a good reason to miss time with special friends. Hope you are soon 100%! I think the beaks looks just fine and BYW it is absolutely beautiful!!
    That License plate sign is very unique! My daughter collects "vintage" plates, so I know it can be a challenge to find what you want at a reasonable price - happy hunting!

    Blessings and hugs!

  10. Beautiful center of your rug! Hope you will feel better soon and enjoy the company of your group, it is more fun together!

  11. Beautiful rug! Hope you are feeling better.

  12. I like that license plate too! If it were me, I'd change the birds' beaks simply because they are a bit difficult to see from a distance but you must do what you like!

  13. Hope you are feeling better! I love your rug and I think the beaks look perfect!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!