Friday, March 13, 2015

A Productive Week

I've had a chance to work on several projects this week and made a lot of progress. I hooked two more sections on this rug I've been working on.

And one day I got the urge to stitch up a little quilt with 4-1/2" squares. Didn't like the first sashing I cut for it.... I cut some lighter fabric to use and I think it works much better.

I have appliqued a few circles for the medallion quilt I've been working on - these will be incorporated into one of the borders. I work on them while watching TV at night. The light in our family room isn't the greatest and so the curves aren't smooth and perfect, but I can live with it.

Wednesday night I met with my little quilt group and there was some great show & tell. I have amazingly talented friends! Kathy is enamored with Halloween. A few months ago she found a doll house and has slowly been turning it in to a haunted house filled with custom made furniture and other goodies. She shared these two pieces with us and my mind was boggled! The cupboard stands about 8" high and the shelves are filled with little knick knacks that she made and gathered. The upholstered chair looks cushy enough to sit in! These are both made with mat board & foam core board.

Jackie is an avid knitter (as well as a quilter). She has knitted innumerable sweaters through the years, and I know she's knitted a couple hundred pair of socks. She said this teddy bear is the hardest thing she's tackled to-date. It looks old, and weathered, and well-loved, doesn't it? But it is fresh off the needles. Amazing!

And Janet shared these two dolls she made that have a distinct Steam Punk vibe going on. Her workmanship is incredible and these were fun to examine up close.

She also had just finished this quilt made of beautiful batik fabrics. I'm afraid I missed hearing the information about who this is for and if it is for a special occasion or not.

Next weekend I will be taking a three day rug hooking workshop with Diane Stoffel when our Guild brings her in. I have decided on my pattern and needed to dye some wool for the background.

I used some of my natural wool and just did a spot dye using some black walnut liquid that I had in my supplies. I'd never dyed in my oven before, but it worked pretty well. The end result is much more subtle than this pictures shows at the beginning of the process.


  1. Your rug is progressing nicely, such an intricate design. I love appliqued circles for berries and flowers on quilts, but I have such trouble getting them round too! I love your idea of appliqueing them all on THEN cutting the squares up, very clever! The haunted house is amazing, such detailed work and all to scale. I cannot knit, but that teddy is very appealing if I could, so cute.

  2. I love the rug pattern and you got a lot done on it.I love the colors...

    You have found a cleaver way of making your circle appliqués. I made many for a appliqué quilt once. They are harder make than they look.

    Your friend is so talented to make these miniature for the doll house. That stuffed chair looks so real, great job on those mini furnitures.

    That teddy bear looks so loved. Amazing...


  3. Gayle, Your quilting projects are always so wonderful!

    Can't wait to see the finished rug!
    Hugs, Linda

  4. That is a beautiful rug design!
    I like your little quilt, and the lighter sashing was a good call.
    That furniture is incredible.
    At first glance I thought the bear was a well worn antique. That is pretty amazing that it is newly made.
    I am really interested to see what you create with that wool you dyed.
    Fun post, Gayle. : )

  5. Don't you just love weeks when everything just comes together and your time is super productive. I had that kind of week too. Your rugs are always amazing. I like the next motif you're adding. You certainly do surround yourself creative people. Their projects are amazing. I recognize those little circles. Mine tend to have an organic look to them as well. :0)

  6. I'm still on the fence with my rug choice for next week! Better hurry and decide! You have some very creative friends! I too am captivated by the haunted mansion project! Your wool looks really great! See you soon :)

  7. Your new hooking project is beautiful; what cut are you using?


  8. Always great to be making progress! Your quilt looks wonderful in the second setting. I'm always so amazed at the difference a change of color can make.:)

  9. I just love your rug - what a great design! You have so many talented friends, and you know I always love a good show and tell! It seems that I'm seeing more and more amazing doll houses lately. I had a lady special order a piece of my jewelry (without a bail or pin back) to use in a doll house as a picture on a wall! So cool!

  10. You did have a good week!
    Hugs :)

  11. Love the rug you are working on and I agree about the lighter border.
    You are getting a lot accomplished!

  12. Love your rug, Gayle, along with everything else you've pictured! Sarah

  13. Your rug is looking great. I love your blog, always new things to look at and to get inspired.

  14. You have been busy, love your rug and beautiful wools. That is a fun idea, a doll house to decorate for the seasons, lol.


  15. all your projects are amazing love the hooked rug and the quilt blocks and the dye I need to check in with you more often


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!