Thursday, December 4, 2014


Last month our rug group decided to exchange socks at our December meeting, so Tuesday was the day - and this was the haul - such a fun variety! I think we were all hoping to get a pair of Sharon's wonderful hand knit socks, but she wasn't able to make it so we were disappointed!

I don't think there was any show & tell except the rugs that were being worked on - so here we go.... Victoria pulled out an old project to do some more on it - I think it's very old fashioned looking.

Sandy is hoping to get this anchor rug done for a granddaughter by Christmas. She has begun hooking the background stripes in the lower right corner of the picture.

Marliss is still working on the rug she started in class with Sharon Smith - love the colors.

This floral is Tonia's design - has her name written all over it.

I missed Angela's little tree skirt for a wool feather tree, and forgot to snap a picture of Cora Lee's Purple Rain rug from Sharon Smith. Sorry gals!

Jeanette was sick and couldn't attend, but she sent me this picture of her dancing elephant rug - all finished! I adore the tulle netting she added to the ballerina's skirt - proddy I'm guessing?

I was a slacker and didn't take a rug at all - instead I was working on two different quilt projects. I recently found three more fabrics that would work great for my English Paper Pieced stars so I fussy cut the diamonds and got one of them stitched together while I was there. Some of the gals didn't know how this worked so they got to see the whole process.

And I brought a stack of 3" 9-patches to square up - I'm really just removing slivers of threads - not large pieces of fabric at all - but I think it helps a lot in accuracy.

I've now got probably 200 of these ready to go - might be time to start assembling the quilt top, but I need to cut a few other pieces of fabric - triangles & large hexies.

When making 4-patches I've often 'spun' the seam intersections, but the pattern I'm using suggested doing that with these 9-patches too - works great to reduce the bulk!

I haven't gotten any decorating done yet for Christmas, but I HAVE almost finished with my shopping, so that's progress, right? LOL


  1. Definitely considered progress at my house! Love your nine patches, my favorite block, so looking forward to seeing them set together at a later date. Lovely rugs :)

  2. Sock exchange--nice idea. We do Secret Santa and its tons of fun. Oh the rugs--they are beautiful--so much talent and creativity.

  3. Your rug group is a talented group of women. What a inspirational group to hang out with. Your stars are so awesome. It's a amzing what designs are generated with fussy cutting. I'm with you about trimming even just a small amount of fabric to make those 3" squares perfect. It does make a difference. I love the idea of a sock exchange. Now if I can remember that until next year with my quilt group that will be a miracle. I'll make a note on the calendar right now!

  4. Busy as always Gayle! Thanks for sharing from all of your projects and the ones from the Rug Group, too.

  5. I especially love Victoria's old fashioned looking rug. Looks like something my aunt had in her home when I was young and I thought it was beautiful!
    Well, Gayle, I am almost done decorating, but have barely started shopping.
    Beautiful paper pieced star. The fussy cutting worked magic.
    Those little trimmings from small blocks DO make a difference, don't they? : )

  6. It better be called progress or I'm in trouble!! Lots of great projects to take a look at.:)

  7. Love the beautiful show of rugs. Each is so pretty. What a talented bunch.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one who trims slivers to square their blocks. Seems to make it all work together.

  8. Hi! I'm a middle sister and a real sister (whistle "Come, Come....") I'm enjoying your blog. I quilt. Have never done rugs but like to read what y'all are doing with them. You are a talented group. Isn't it amazing what we women can do? Please come by and visit at Prairie Cottage Corner. We'll have some virtual cocoa and a scone! Thanks for sharing. (I havne't figured out Google yet. Some say I'm a no contact person so here's my data in case Google isn't cooperating and prairiestitcher at centurytel do net )


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