Friday, November 28, 2014

Catching Up

I've been home for a couple weeks now - had a good time on our getaway to Southern Utah where the weather was lovely - then we came home to the first cold snap of the winter. Hubby & I found out there was a shooting range nearby so we took shotguns with us - he loved it - me, not so much. Ended up with a huge bruise on my shoulder that is just now fading away. But we also did some hiking, and rode our bikes - I got a lot of fun shopping in while he was in meetings - and I didn't have to cook any meals for nearly a week - WooHoo!

I finished sewing all my little hexies together and now this quilt is ready to be quilted. Can't decide whether to add a border or call it good. The finished size is 19" x 22".

Without even realizing it, I won a giveaway on Janet's blog last week and my prize arrived in the mail. A mini charm pack from French General, and two bars of her yummy homemade soap - I wish you could smell it through your computer screens!

When I was looking through the pictures on my camera recently, I realized that I had never shared this one. Early in the spring while on vacation, I saw a cool garden 'sculpture' in a shop but it was way too expensive for me to buy, so. I showed a picture to my son who is good at welding metal and he recreated it for me. I found the large metal ring at a yard sale during the summer for only $15 - it used to be the rim of a wooden wagon wheel and was exactly what we needed.  It looks great in my yard and is titled "Rolling Stone".

I had a great Thanksgiving on Thursday (except for the Roto-Rooter episode) and have a good start on my Christmas shopping. Now I need to get the tree up try to make the house feel festive. My mother-in-law recently went to Israel and brought us home this 8" Nativity hand carved from olive wood - the grain is so beautiful and it's the perfect beginning to the holiday season.


  1. Hi Gayle! The little hexie quilt is quite adorable. How would you put a border on that??? Would it end up with a straight edge all around?

  2. Sounds like you had quite a time on your getaway! Delightful adventures, except for the bruise. : )
    Pretty little hexie quilt you made. I'm still plugging away slowly at my mini hexie quilt. May finish someday.
    What a cool garden sculpture. I know you already have lots of cool things in your yard--this will be a fun addition.
    Okay, what is the Roto-Rooter incident? Doesn't sound happy.
    That is a gorgeous nativity. I love getting them from other countries when family members travel.
    Trying to get my tree up today, too, but first I have to get the Fall/Thanksgiving stuff down and put away.

  3. What a beautiful nativity! And your little hexie quilt is amazing! Your trip to the south sounds like fun except for your poor shoulder

  4. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that garden sculpture. I will have to share that with DSO...hint, hint :)
    What a sweet Nativity.
    Yes, what is the Roto-Rooter incident?
    Hugs :)

  5. Red and white hexis make a lovely mini, very sweet. I love your garden and nativity sculpture as well, special gifts.

  6. Sounds like a wonderful getaway.

    I love that hexie quilt ... gorgeous!

    And that sculpture ... absolutely fabulous! Your son is so talented ... obviously the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. ;-)

  7. Your hexie quilt is beautiful, Gayle...with or without a border!

    Glad you had a great time away and hope your bruise fades quickly. LOVE your garden sculpture. Your whole family must be creative!!

    The olive wood Nativity is simply beautiful.


  8. Those tiny hexies look so awesome together. I vote for no border. Let that intricate edge shine. Glad you had a great vacation. It doesn't sound like you'll be the next Annie Oakley though. Heehee. What a fabulous new piece of garden art. I'm sure it looks perfect in your yard. Your son is talented like his mom and dad. And your new nativity will be a wonderful addition to your holiday displays.

  9. The color of your hexi quilt is so warm and inviting. Love the garden sculpture. Wondering what your husband thinks of the beautiful nativity from olive wood... since I know he is incredible at woodworking. It really is beautiful.

  10. All kinds of loveliness on this post. The nativity is gorgeous!

  11. The soap looks like the maple candy I buy when we are in Ohio maple country.


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