Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Salt Lake Rug Group

Last Wednesday I met with the Salt Lake Rug Group and we had a nice turnout - I think everyone enjoys visiting during the holidays! Lots of goodies were exchanged - especially chocolate - YUM! Here are the projects that were being worked on that day. I started this bee skep that I found in my studio - don't even remember where I got it! It's going to work up quickly I think - trying to decide on what to do to make the background more interesting.

Yvonne was appliqueing some small quilt blocks - I think she said this was a Kim Diehl design.

Vicky was binding this gorgeous king-sized quilt - the black setting makes all those colors just pop. She said it was ten months in the making.

Myra was making another set of wool pinecones - she shared photos of a set that her daughter used to decorate the bannister in her home - just lovely.

The rich colors in Arline's rug were just gorgeous.

And Nancy is making progress on the quilt patterned rug she bought from Sharon Smith.

We meet at Nancy's house each month. She's been hooking for over 25 years and is very prolific. She has given away lots of rugs to family and friends, and she has a lot of them displayed in her home too. However, some are rolled and stored in this large basket on the floor - think I'll look for one this size because I think it's a great idea.

A lovely day with friends.....


  1. WOW! All the projects are beautiful. I had never thought of storing rugs in basket--it's a great idea and I have the perfect size basket. (That quilt is beautiful, it might have been ten months in the making and worth every minute)

  2. All those lovely projects.
    I need to find me a group of ladies to stitch with !!
    Love those pine cones.

  3. O my those rugs in the basket. Would love to unroll and admire them! You are busy with some cute projects as always.

  4. I love your bee skep, Gayle!
    It looks like such fun to get together with talented people and just visit and create! So many lovely projects!

  5. wow! those sure are great projects!
    loved them all!
    love the bee skep!

  6. Beautiful rugs, would love to see a finished pine cone - was it hand sewn?

  7. These rugs are so beautiful! I'm a quilter who has been drawn to rug hooking recently while surfing blogs. Gayle, can they be functional? Would you use them on the floor in a guestroom that isn't used very often? The basket of rugs is great - could do that with quilts, too! Look forward to seeing what you decide on the background for the bee skep.

  8. Beautiful rugs and quilts! What a delight! Enjoy the holidays!


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