Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Thrift Store Marriage

When I first started rug hooking I bought a Puritan frame and it served me well for a long time. Then I started seeing frames that you could sit on - and they swiveled and tilted so I thought that would be a good feature to have so it would be easier to hook in every direction. I bought a new frame from a seller on ebay - The Purple Crow - and I've been happy with it for years.  Two years ago at the thrift store I found a nice floor model needlework frame for $15 and bought it - hoping it could be adapted to work with my rug hooking frame. Over the weekend my son-in-law took it home and made it happen for me -  I think it's going to be great! I can adjust the angle of the surface, and it can collapse it down to be a more compact size for traveling. I look forward to giving this a try and seeing how it works - and it will be easy to move the frame back to the old base whenever I want/need to. 

And now I have a quick question for all you bloggers. I try really hard to respond to comments left on my blog posts. I usually receive an email that contains the comment so it's easy to just hit reply and answer back. But just lately I've realized that I don't get an email for EVERY SINGLE comment that is left  - for instance - a quilting friend in Holland often leaves a comment and I don't know about it unless I actually pull up all the comments on my blog. I think it happens to a few other gals too - and I'm sure they think I'm rude if I don't acknowledge their interest. Do any of you know if I need to change my settings to a certain way? Or is it something about the other blogger that causes this glitch? Just thought I'd ask....... TIA!

And last, but certainly not least, I was the lucky winner of another blog giveaway! I received this adorable angel in the mail from Jean, who blogs at Prim Crafts. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time, cuz she gave twelve of these cuties away to the first twelve gals who left comments on her blog last week. Yay! Thanks so much Jean - I love this sweetie!


  1. Isn't it nice to have handy family members who can create what you envision and make your dreams happen? : )
    Boy, I always thought I was getting every comment by email, too. I'll have to see if I am missing something.

  2. You better keep that SIL around! Hmmm...I assume that I'm getting every comment - I guess I better go check it out - don't want to be rude and not respond! I have been getting an awful lot of spam lately - is it just me?

  3. Wow! That is awesome! Floor stands are expensive. I agree with Me and My Stitches....better keep that SIL around, lol.

  4. What a wonderful stand!It is awesome that your SIL converted it for you.I am not sure about the comments.Hugs,Jen

  5. Hi Gayle... couldn't agree more with everyone else in keeping that handy SIL around! As for comments, I assume that I am getting an e-mail with every comment, but that has happened to me, very infrequently, and very randomly. I have not noticed that it happens to the same person leaving a comment over and over... as far as it being something in your settings? I wish I could be of more help, but if you are getting emails with the majority of the comments, I would think it's not on your end. Who knows???

  6. Hi Gayle, I have to accept all my comments so I assume I am getting them all. I wonder if it is HER settings that are on private and not something YOU can change. That would be my guess anyway.

    Love the new frame idea! I have a floor stand and I can't imagine being without it. Of course it's the only frame I have ever used.LOL

    You are such a kind person, I doubt anyone could ever think you would are being rude.

  7. Hmm I am no techno wizz, but I know that i ticked the box for sending comments to me by email, so perhaps go and have a look at that option...refresh it? Perhaps Blogger have amended something...or they might mention it in their FAQ section??
    I do find myself writign emails to comments only to find they are a no reply blogger - so perhaps there is such a thing as a no email blogger?
    Love the frame...hope it helps you with rug hooking mojo.

  8. how nice to have adapted that bargain floor stand to accomodate your rug frame. I really don't hook effectively in my lap - I do have a lap base for my K's frame but I have to prop it or sit it on a tabletop which defeats the purpose for me anyway. Fun to see the photos from your hook in - wish I had one of those lucious cupcakes. Melody

  9. I'm not a rug hooker but that is awesome! I've been seeing Jean's sweet little angel popping up all over blogland lately, so sweet of her. Congrats on being a winner!

    I'm not sure about the comment thing. I checked my spam folder not too long ago and found a bunch of comments there from regulars! I was shocked and didn't realize that was happening. Like you, I only read the emails so now I check my spam folder more regularly. I guess I need to pull my blog up more too so I can make sure. Wish I could help you with an answer.

  10. That is a great looking stand. What a handy man your SIL is.
    Can't help with the blogger comment issue. I just hope that my comments appears on yours.
    Happy Valentine.


  11. First off - I love the title of this post !
    Very clever idea to bring the frame and the thrift store stand together. You will have to let us know how you like it, as you use it.
    Lucky you to win the fancy angel !

  12. Oh, this frame idea is terrific. Thank you! SIL did a GREAT job. Did you say you can take it apart and still have a sit on?
    I love that you can do that. I need a rug hooking frame, and I'd like to be able to have a cross stitch frame that I could have at lap level or on the floor.
    Thanks so much for this post.

  13. Thanks to your son-in-law you seem to have the perfect frame now. I think you have to change something in your settings. I changed it in not getting any more emails because it drove me crazy. I just don't have the time to respond on all comments. I just do it occasionally so I get some time to quilt! Don't worry, I don't think you are rude.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!