Monday, February 18, 2013

Gifts, Rugs & Quilts

My Mom's birthday is next week, so on Saturday I stitched up a really small quilt to send to her using the smallest Twister template - the finished quilt measures just under 9" square. I figured with a quilt this small she could find a place to display it without too much trouble. 

I've had fun with wrapping gifts a little differently lately - here is the quilt wrapped in brown paper with a doily to embellish it - along with a necklace I bought her at an antique show over the weekend that I wrapped in some old book pages. Makes receiving it more fun I think!

My son gave his girlfriend a gift certificate for Valentine's Day, so I made a spiffy envelope for him to put it in - it's all about the presentation when you're dating! LOL

Last Thursday I attended my monthly rug hooking meeting in SLC and these are some of the rugs that I saw there. Kathryn had just finished this darling Edyth O'Neill design with two hearts - I absolutely LOVE the way she added interest to the background by hooking in some small heart shapes using slightly different colored wool.

Nancy has made a LOT of progress on this rug she's making - next month I'll try to remember to snap a picture of the cross stitch design that inspired it. It seems she often adds a little saying or verse to her rugs and I think it makes them very special.

Yvonne started the last border on this beautiful floral rug - it's a big one and the colors are so rich and yummy!

Here is another peek at my row rug.

I finally got all my scrappy Trip Around the World blocks made - now I have to decide how to set them. Remember, these are half size blocks so they each measure 6" square.

I hemmed two pair of jeans for my son-in-law - not my favorite kind of sewing - but it was the very least I could do after he worked on my rug hooking frame last week!

So that's a little bit of what I've been up to lately!


  1. Thanks for sharing all these awesome ideas! So inspiring! Love the rugs and your Scrappy Trips blocks!

    Cheery wave from

  2. Love the hooked rugs, they just made me want to reach out and touch them, they looked so nice!
    Must have been the week for mending/hemming, as my long overdue pile got attended to as well. AND I also made some more Scrappy Trips blocks. Now I hadnt thought of putting them into the barn raising setting, but it does look good....but I like the other setting as well...sorry cannot decide which is my favorite! Your little twister was very cute, must have been fiddly!

  3. Love that tiny quilt for Mom! Great idea--does Mom live far?
    Clever wrapping ideas, as well.
    Every rug you show in this post could come live at my house! : )
    You've finished your scrappy trips blocks? Yikes! I have six made and six still in tube form. I have a long way to go. Your smaller blocks look fun.
    You've been up to a lot, and all of it good, Gayle.

  4. You're mom is going to love her gift! Great packaging techniques! The beautiful packaging is as much fun to get as the gift if you ask me!

  5. Your mom is a lucky lady to receive that cute little quilt, and that packaging is wonderful! Thanks for eye candy with the rug pictures, I love the one adapted from the cross stitch pattern!
    Have a great day!

  6. What a sweet little twister mini for your Mom's birthday... so crisp in the blue and white! I so enjoy looking at the hooked rugs you show us... for those of us who haven't attempted this media, it is a treat to see these! They are all wonderful! Love the scrappy Trip Around the World... and your gift wraps! So clever!!!

  7. Gayle your small quilt is beautiful.
    The blue and white combo is crisp and clean.
    I am inspired by your wrapping ideas...very clever and so attractive ! I have several old books with big pages...I was going to pitch, but now I think I will keep those books and try out some wrapping ideas. ;)

  8. The gifts that you gave were too pretty to open! I so agree that the presentation is just as fun as the gift. Thanks for sharing. ~Ann

  9. Your gift wrap is so cute. It's the perfect finish for such sweet gifts. I love your scrappy trip around the world blocks. I've added that to my list. I like the small size. Every once in a while I have to hem jeans too. I'm always glad when they're done.

  10. Lil' Twister quilts are just so fun...hope mom likes hers! The hookers are working on some great projects and your trip blocks are so fun.

  11. Oh Gayle - I just am so in love with all of the rugs you show - they are just awesome! And your gift wrap...we are going to have to start calling you Martha! So pretty. Happy birthday to Mom - I know she will love her little twister and the necklace.

  12. Those rugs look really amazing. If I see all those beautiful works I really want to learn it....maybe once when I have more time to spend.
    You did a fine job on those jeans and the wrapped gifts are a gift itself. What a cute way to wrap a gift! great idea!

  13. O, and I forgot....the little twister quilt for your Mom I love. Congrats with her birthday!


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