Monday, February 11, 2013

First Tuesday Rug Group

Sandy came to our meeting last week with a full arsenal of wonderful show & tell and won the 'prize' for being the most productive since our last get together. She hooked this Maggie B. design - - - -

 - - - - and attached it to the top of a stool that is part of a bedroom set that belonged to her husband's grandparents - awesome!

She finished a Valentine mystery quilt that she got from her LQS - - - -

- - - -  and did some coordinating applique on a small hand towel. So cute!

While watching the Super Bowl over the weekend, she pulled loops for these flowers through some hookable wool - and then framed them to hang on the wall. The flowers have a lot of dimension and the colors are the same as in the stool she did above.

Tonia and her five year old grandson have a favorite book that they like to read together called The Robot and the Bluebird. He also likes to 'help' her with her hooking projects - so she decided it would be fun to hook him a rug of his own using the story for inspiration. She had all the hooking done when she arrived and was crocheting the edge with wool strips during our meeting. What a lucky little boy he is!

Tonia brought us each a treat bag and attached these darling Valentine tags personalized with our initials using a Scrabble tile - that was a lot of work 'just because' -  thanks Tonia!

And Marliss made some Red Velvet cupcakes for refreshments - her presentation was so pretty on this platter she inherited from her mom. YUM!

It was a fun day spent hooking and visiting with good friends.

I've been doing a pitiful job of rug hooking for months now. I started a large rug last May when I attended the Denver Hook-In and it's not even half way done yet. In an effort to motivate myself to finish it, I've decided that I will share it here on my blog in bits and pieces. That's easy to do because of the nature of the design. I'm making a row rug - each row measures 4" x 28" or so - and each row has a totally different pattern in it.  Now that I've learned how to crop pictures, I can reveal each row separately - I'll show some that are already finished, and then each new row that I hook - until the big reveal at the end. Hopefully some of you remind me about it if you don't see a new section every once in awhile! 


  1. your hook in looks like it was a fun day! will be watching the progress of your row-by-row hooking too :)

  2. Wow! I LOVE your rugs! I want to do rug hooking but have no time because I have a pesky full time job and the fabric store. I tried to email you but Blogger email goes through Outlook and my computer blocks Outlook because of hardware from my job (sorry for the long explanation)! Just wanted to say, in response to your question, on the Scrappy Trips, I do press all to one side after I finish a block. Since I want a scrappy look, I'll just have to turn them around to match them up when I sew them all together. Again, love your work and happy to find your blog!

    Cheery wave!

  3. I've never heard of a "row rug". It sounds like fun!
    That robot rug is too sweet.
    Hugs :)

  4. Now you will have to keep going on your rug because we will all be expecting to see more. Your get together looked perfect for Valentine' Day! Sweet friends.

  5. Sandy must have been working on her projects day and night to get all of that finished.

    It looks like you had a fun time.Have a great week.

  6. I like the hooked flower pot piece. It was put to good use. Good colors and design.

  7. Looks like you had a fun gathering with yummy treats!
    Oh, good. You are showing us what you are doing. Thank you. : ) Looks very interesting--I've never seen a row rug, either.

  8. Every time I look at all the fun things you show on your blog I got the feeling I have to shut down my laptop and start creating......

  9. A new hooking teacher is going to start teaching at the shoppe where I teach. I may just have to learn how to do this! And those red velvet cupcakes make my mouth water.

  10. Now I understand why you are such an over-achiever - because all of your friends are too! Wonderful projects, as always. I really look forward to seeing more of your rug!

  11. Love those little Valentine tags and that Robot quilt is adorable! Mimi


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