I've had this little quilt done for a few days now, but haven't had time to post a picture of it until now. The binding is only 1/4" wide which is much narrower than I usually use because I didn't want to cut off any portion of the outside blocks.
I love the way it turned out - the quilting was done with mono-filament thread - both clear and smoke colored. The blocks are 4" and the finished size is 24" square.
After it was done I tried to find a good home. Tried it on the coffee table in front of the couch.
And then I thought I'd try to display it - along with some other quilts - by pinning it to the railing just inside the front door - as you go up the steps to the living room.
Added a few more - because more is always good - right?
Which do you like best? And on another note - we have a mouse in the house for the first time in 33 years - YIKES! Have set a couple traps, but can still hear him rustling around when the house is still and quiet. Can any of you advise me on the best way to get rid of him? I sure don't want to worry about him all winter long! Yuck.
I've spent several hours this morning working on my little quilt - I think it's called Orange Peel - or maybe Robbing Peter to Pay Paul - and it's usually done with only two colors. But I always prefer scrappy quilts so that's how I'm making this one. Traditionally, it is made block by block - and the curves are machine pieced into place. But I didn't want to mess with that since these blocks are only 4" square. So I sewed all my square blocks together, and now I'm using invisible machine applique to sew the wedges on top of the seam lines - SO much easier for me. Of course, it could be appliqued by hand too. So here it is with most of the wedges sewn in one direction.......
......and here it is with most of the wedges sewn in the opposite direction.
My back is getting kinda tired from sitting at the machine for so long, so I'm calling it a day and will finish it up tomorrow. Yesterday I went to meet with the Salt Lake rug group there was only one new project being worked on. Nancy is hooking this floral with a wonderful dark blue background.
It's a pattern found in Pat Cross' book titled Purely Primitive - but Nancy tweaked it a little by super-sizing the flowers and the basket to make them have more of a presence - and she changed up the border a little bit. Here's a picture of the rug shown in the book so you can see how they're different.
We had a new gal with us yesterday - she was working on a small crow rug she bought as a kit - and she was doing a fine job. Turns out she's a rock star in the sock knitting community. She has written several books and travels all over the world teaching classes. If any of you are knitters you may have heard of Nancy Bush - author of Folk Socks. (have you Sharon?) You can see her books here. I think it will be really interesting to watch her progress in rug hooking and see what kind of rugs she designs when she's comfortable with a new medium! Winter has arrived here in Utah and it's been snowing at my house for most of the day - YAY!
I'm working on so many different projects right now - I'm torn in every direction when I have time to work on something! While watching TV the last couple nights I've been doing prep work for a new small quilt that's been buzzing around in my head for months. Now I'm ready to sit down at the machine and start sewing. But I'm also working on a quiet book, and a hooked rug. Too bad I have to sleep at night - and cook dinner - and do laundry! (sigh)
At the Hook-O-Ween our rug guild had a few weeks ago, Tonia was wearing the cutest pumpkin man on top of her hat. She made it using a pattern from a magazine she bought last fall.
After everyone admired it and said they wanted on just like it, she consented to show us how to make one at a later gathering. When we met that day she had all the supplies we needed except for the orange wool to make his pumpkin head - so we each provided that for our projects. It was so fun to see each of these little guys progress and take shape - they each assumed their own personality when they were finished.
Here's my little guy displayed on a perch in my home.
And then Tonia showed us how she used the exact same pattern to make a snowman, so I'm pretty sure there will be some of these shared at our next show & tell! So cute! I'm even trying to figure out how to make him into a Santa - we'll see how that goes.
Here's some follow up information about the frog that attended our Hook-O-Ween. After doing some research it was decided that he was a Bullfrog and after the meeting he was released into the wild at a local golf course near a river - he should be happy with that outcome!
And here's a picture of my little 2-year-old grandson wearing the dragon costume DD#2 & I made for him last week. My daughter knew exactly how she wanted it to look - we bought a McCall's pattern (on sale for $.99) for a hooded sweat suit and then found a tutorial online for adding the spikes up the back and another tutorial for the tail. (the internet is so awesome!) She did all the cutting and designing and I just did the sewing. We were both very tickled with the way it turned out - thought he was adorable - and he had so much fun!
For the last few months I've been saving ideas on Pinterest for a Quiet Book. and I started working on it this week.The plan is to have it done and give it to him for Christmas. I'm having so much fun - but I haven't been doing much quilting or rug hooking because of that. Not sure if anyone will want to see it when I'm done, but I think he's going to love it!