I think I have a new obsession! A couple days ago I made a couple flowers out of a wool sweater after seeing a tutorial on a blog. Today I made three new flowers roughly based on the technique taught in Gene Shepherd's proddy book. Except I didn't use wool for these, I used old t-shirts. I love the way they each turned out with such different textures. They're both quite large - probably 4" across.

When I finished with those, I found some mustard colored wool in my studio that was already prepped and perfect to make this cute little flower. I just coiled the strip and stitched it together from the bottom as I went round and round.
And then I realized that I made these three flowers a couple months ago using an old t-shirt also. Sometimes I just safety pin them to whatever I'm wearing - maybe I'll add some pin backs to make them easier to attach to my shirts/blouses.