Monday, August 4, 2014

Sunflower Season

I've started to notice that the sunflowers are beginning to bloom - they're so dramatic and eye catching - especially the big ones - I love to look at them.

One day at the Sharon Smith Workshop last month, we were each given a kit to make a wool sunflower mounted on a rusty old bed spring. I got mine made recently and it turned out nice - although a bit different than the sample we were shown.

I've displayed it with another sunflower I made several years ago - I think it was a pattern in Create & Decorate magazine.

I decided to pull out a couple sunflower quilts that I've made through the years.  This one was a guild project ages ago - the center of each flower is embellished with buttons to represent the seeds.

When I pulled this one out I was surprised to see that I had quilted word 'SUNFLOWER'  into the border. My name is at the bottom too, but I sure wish I'd included the year I made it in there - I'm so terrible at making labels!

This one with a cheery checkerboard border is small and easy to tuck into a display.

Hope sunflowers grow where you live and that you enjoy them too!


  1. WOW! Your sunflowers are awesome. Most of the outdoor blooming sunflowers are past their prime and looking very tired. We have entered that yucky time of the gardening season--most everything has bloomed and what is left is brown and crunchy

  2. enjoyed all things sunflower Gayle - I love them. I enjoyed your prior post about your camping trip. we are seeing a lot of those "planted" wheelbarrows but I figured it was just a southern thing. I'll be on the lookout too. I've been toying with doing a hexie project but just scared to dip my toe in the water. Love your star runner.
    have a great week - Mel

  3. Gayle I love your new sunflower pincushion but your other one is lovely too. If my memory is correct there may be a spring in my attic and it would be fun to make one.


  4. I just love sunflowers - thanks for sharing all of yours! My DH always plants some near the garden, and the first one bloomed over the weekend. So cheery!

  5. Gayle,
    I just love your sunflowers on a bedspring. What fun!
    Hugs :)

  6. I didn't realize sunflowers grew on bedsprings. : ) They are very fun!
    I have nothing in a sunflower motif--your quilts and cushions are great.

  7. Great sunflowers, now you just need a rug to match ;) !

  8. I can tell Sunflowers are your facourite! Cute pincushions!

  9. How gorgeous arwe these sunflowers, Gayle !
    They are a great 'pick me up' in the hot days of August.

  10. I love the wool sunflower on the bed spring ... so cute!

    I love sunflowers ... and frankly am wondering why I don't have anything quilty with sunflowers.

  11. I love sunflowers to, they are so pretty but the farmers seem to have a different opinion of them. lol.

  12. Love your wooly sunflowers! Now you can have pretty blooms all of the time.

  13. What awesome wool sunflowers. I'm sure the hard part is finding the rusty bed spring. Super cute!

  14. Love your sunflower projects. They are such a happy flower!!

  15. I love the sunflowers growing the garden. Your pincushions are adorable on the rusty spring. I have something similar but couldn't get the pincushion to stay in place. Any tricks?

  16. loved all your flowers!
    just right for this time of year!


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