Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Rugs In Progress

Last week my rug group met on the brick patio in my backyard. At first I was worried that we'd be too hot out there, and then for a couple days I worried that we'd get rained on, but it turned out to be a beautiful day with perfect temperatures and I think we all enjoyed ourselves.  So fun to see what everyone is working on. I snapped this picture of the group when I came inside to gather some food for us to eat - busy workers!

Sandy has nearly finished this Sharon Smith design - mostly just the water to hook and then it'll be done.

Cora Lee getting all her umbrella ladies hooked and then she'll get started on the fun background.

Jeanette's poppies are 'popping' off that black background!

Sharon is working on a gorgeous design she found on the cover of an antique prayer book. The colors are exactly 'her' and I look forward to watching this progress.

Tonia was hooking her own design - I can't decide if I like the birds with their crowns, or the background treatment, or the border the best. She's got it completely finished now and has shared wonderful pictures of details of the rug on her blog BaaRamEweDesigns if you'd like to go look.

Sadly, three of the gals left before I thought to grab my camera, so I don't have pictures of the rugs that Kim, Angela and Leisa were working on. Sorry 'bout that!  I have finished my star runner and will be taking it with me to my Salt Lake rug group tomorrow to whip the edges with yarn - then I'll share photos - soon!

Sometimes we take all our modern conveniences for granted - until we have to go without - and that's what happened to me recently. I live in a small city and our water supply was compromised so that it was not safe to drink or use. The city did a fabulous job of keeping everyone informed with daily automated phone calls and everything is back to normal now. Drinking bottled water was an easy solution, but not quite as easy as turning on the kitchen faucet, huh?

I've been wanting to try some Greek yogurt, but have no idea of which ones are good. Can any of you give me your recommendations for a brand to buy?

I used to enjoy reading a blog called Fancy Wool Flowers, but every time I try to pull it up now I get something in a foreign language - almost like it's been hijacked by someone. I wonder if Nan knows about this and if there's anything she can do to get control of it back. There are actually a couple on my blog list that have had the same thing happen - very strange.

And one last thing - - - after my last post about my sunflower quilts, I unearthed one more that I have. This one has Dresden plates for the four flowers - embellished with 3D leaves on a vine and a fun little bumblebee and crow. I'll leave you with this.....


  1. Loved seeing all your friends busily working and enjoying your pretty backyard. I spied your star runner on the table and love all your blue bottles decorating your garden. Love summer days!

  2. Cute little quilt and those rugs are so pretty and colorful! It looks like an enjoyable afternoon in your lovely garden. I love Greek yoghurt. Don't know schat kind you have in themUS but I always take the plain kind, add some Naturalis oatmeal, some fruit (banana, strawberry or blueberry) and a spoon full of honey. Delicious for breakfast!

  3. I'm so glad you have kept up with the Rug Hooking groups all of these years later. Wonderful projects everyone is working on. My friend Beth wants to donate some wool/ rug making things. As a heads up I'm sending her your e-mail to see if anyone in your group would like the items.

  4. The ladies with their umbrellas is interesting. And love the deck head boat. Very prim in style.

  5. How fun to see your group working in your cool backyard amidst all of the blue glass! : )
    Love the poppies--and Sharon's beautiful design--and Tonia's. Oh, they are all great!
    I had heard about Clinton's water on the news and wondered if you were dealing with that.
    Pretty little sunflower quilt!

  6. Look for plain yogurt, with no flavorings or other sugars added. Then add your own embellishments. I don't know where you are and what's available, but I like Straus, Clover, and Trader Joes.

  7. What a fun get together you all must have had. How blessed you are to have a group of friends to get together with.

  8. Wonderful works all! You can pick out a Sharon Smith design a mile away, I love her style.

    I like Chobani Greek yogurt best and buy the plain and add my own fresh fruit, honey and cinnamon. Or, I also buy the sugar free cherry pie filling and put some of that on top sometimes.


  9. Such beautiful rugs, Gayle. And I love all your sunflowers. They put mine to shame! Enjoy the rest of summer. Sarah

  10. That's a cool shot of your rug group and your backyard! Looks like you had a beautiful day for it to be outside. I always enjoy looking at the rug pictures that everyone is working on.. so much talent! I enjoyed looking at your sunflowers too.

  11. I always enjoy seeing what your rug hookers are hooking. They are all so beautiful.
    As far as Greek yogurt, I use Fage, plain. (In smoothies) Personally, by itself I think it tastes like sour cream, but you can drizzle a little honey and fruit to jazz it up. It is the least processed Greek yogurt and that is why I use it.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!