Monday, February 17, 2014

One Last Time

Lori has a posted a Linky Party so people can share photos of their Midwinter Blues quilts. I have mine quilted and bound now so I thought I'd share pictures one last time. I even ran it through the wash to get that crinkled look from shrunken batting that I love so much.

A lot of people commented on the sashing fabric I used between the blocks so here you can see what it looked like before fussy cutting the strips - the selvage reads Connecting Threads.

I pieced the back to make it a little more interesting - the blue fabric is from a nice 100% cotton thrift store shirt I found.

Right now I have this hanging on the inside of my front door. Somewhere in blogland I found this idea for displaying quilts by using a magnetic curtain rod. I found it at Walmart for around $7 and it works great on my metal door. It can accommodate different size quilts because it extends and retracts in the middle.

I use curtain rings to hang the quilt on it. I have another one of these rods that I intend to use on the door of the upright freezer downstairs in my laundry room some day to add a bit of color down there.

And since I'm in a 'blue' mood I thought I'd share this picture with you of a quilt block that I recently found at a thrift store for $1.25. It's all hand stitched and I assume it was made by a Hmong quilter. (You can read more about them here)  I thought I'd use it as the center block in a small quilt and add other blocks and borders around it - might be interesting. The workmanship is incredible. I've pulled a few fabrics that I thought might work with it but most of them seem too yellow - think I'll have to go shopping at the store instead of my stash to find just the right colors.


  1. Look at you go--Midwinter Blues all quilted, bound, washed, and hung!! Looks fabulous, and I love the way you have displayed it.
    You really scored on that thrift store block. Too bad you will have to go shopping to finish it--NOT!! : )

  2. I really like your Midwinter Blues... can't wait to spend some time checking them all out on Lori' s link... it's amazing how the same pattern can look so different depending on the fabrics used! Hmmm... I have one of those magnetic curtain rods somewhere... must find, because that's a perfect place for displaying mini quilts!
    So you may have to go fabric shopping... gee, that's to bad...

  3. Your Midwinter Blues is fabulous!! I remember that fabric from connecting threads! Love it - I think I have some of the red!! And aren't you the clever one!!! I may just have to look into that method of displaying quilts!! Great score on the block - who wouldn't want to shop for fabrics!! Always need one more color!!

    Blessings and hugs!

  4. Your blue period quilts are wonderful. Great idea about the magnetic curtain rod--will have to try and give it a try

  5. What a wonderful way to hang your quilt. When I am in the USA again I will look for it at Wal Mart to take home with me. Love the block you found.

  6. Your quilt is beautiful, Gayle! It looks perfect on your door, and what a great idea to use a magnetic rod!

    Hugs, Linda

  7. I love your MB quilt. Your sashing really is gorgeous.
    That block is incredible! It will make a beautiful piece.

  8. Great use of the fabric for the sashing. I love it.

  9. What a clever way to hang your quilt... I have never seen those kind of rods before

  10. Love your finished midwinter blues! The rod to hang it is perfectly easy!!
    The applique block is stunning and will make a great center. Lucky find!!

  11. Love your quilt. I know I told you that I think we used a lot of the same fabrics. I almost used the same fabric for my Hugs

  12. What a sweet little quilt. LOVE the colors.
    Hugs :)

  13. I'm loving all these little quilts!

    That's so funny about the sashing - I bought yards and yards of that very fabric when it went on sale at CT, and used it in dozens of projects, including a queen size duvet cover. The back side of the fabric is very subtle, so that became the front.

    Now, I'll have to try your hanging method!

  14. Your quilt turned out beautiful and the backing is fun too. The magnetic rod is a great display option. And your thrift store find is outstanding. I'm glad you saved it and will use it in something special. Have fun shopping.

  15. I love your quilt!
    love the pieced back,
    And the way you hung it!
    Hope to see the other one when you finish it!

  16. Love that quilt! It looked much larger until I saw it on your door! Haha! It's darling! Great idea for hanging it! We've used those for hanging dish towels in the kitchen. I'll have to consider it for my door too. Does it fall down if the door is shut hard? We slam our doors often! :-(

  17. Great job...I love how your mid-winter blues quilt turned out. It looks perfect on the door. I'm so glad that you posted a close up photo of how you hug it. I'm almost done quilting my small cat wall hanging and was wondering how I was going to hang it. I'm so glad for the inspiration and I hope I can find similar hooks.


  18. That sashing is perfect! Beautiful finish and thank you for the magnetic rod idea, looks great. That would work on my metal studio door.
    Great thrift store finds! The next blue quilt will be wonderful with that block in the center

  19. I love the crinkled look from washed/dried quilts!

    What an ingenious way to hang quilts. Unfortunately our front door is mostly glass. Yet, the idea of using a curtain rod would work really well for hanging quilts on a wall ... other than being able to adjust the width of the rod.

  20. Where to start!? Love your blog...the magnetic rod is very clever and your Midwinter Blues quilt is so sweet. Your use of fabric in the sashing is perfect!!
    We have a large Hmong community in our area and I also have a few pieces of their meticulous stitching.

  21. Your quilt is fantastic. I like the use of the hanger on the back of the door.

  22. What a gorgeous quilt. There is something about blue quilts that makes me smile. Plus, its bound!!


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