Friday, February 14, 2014

Conversation Hearts

I met with the SLC rug group on Tuesday and Myra showed us this darling little rug she made for Valentine's Day - I thought it would be appropriate to share today. Her grandchildren helped choose the sayings on each of them. The colors she used captured the real candy colors of this favorite childhood treat.

Nancy made this rug for a new grandson ten months ago.

Now that baby has a little brother who will share his room, so she's making another rug for the newborn that is the same design, but different - notice the borders. The two horses will be facing each other when they're on the floor - so cute! 

And Nancy also showed us this rug that she finished since our last meeting - her version of an antique rug shown in one of her old books. The white flowers make me think of cotton bolls.

I haven't shared a picture of my family rug for quite awhile - I really haven't hooked much on it lately, but I'd sure like to get it done one of these days.


  1. Love the sweetheart rug!
    Yours is amazing!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Love your family rug...HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY HUGS lil raggedy Angie

  3. Love the valentines day rug, so cute. Hope you get some time to work on your family rug soon.

  4. The candy conversations rug is cute! What a clever idea. Happy Valentines Day Gayle to you and your family :)

  5. They are all very lovely! Yours is going to be extra special and personal when it's done.

  6. You all are making art from that hooked rugs! ( is that how you call it?) My English isn't perfect, sorry. But I love the things you and your friends are making.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. LOVE your Burton rug!!!
    Happy Valentine's Day.
    Pug hugs ;)

  9. Happy Valentine's Day!

    I love all the rugs!
    The horse ones are fantastic!

  10. You have quite a bit done on your Burton rug and you are doing a great job. I know the feeling of how hard it is to get back into the groove after not hooking for a while. It's going to look great.
    Happy valentine Day.

  11. Your rug will be wonderful when finished!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  12. Gayle, I just love your "family" rug. It looks like you are a little over half way done ! Keep going - it will be beautiful when done ! ;)

  13. Wonderful horse rugs for the grandsons--aren't they the lucky lads? your rug is beautiful--such a treasured heirloom

  14. What a talented group!
    Have you found the book you wanted to help you finish that family rug?

  15. I was thinking earlier today that I would like to find some solids in conversation heart colors and do some kind of heart quilt with them.

  16. Such great rugs! Love your Burton rug! Conversation hearts is super cute!

  17. I always enjoy the beautiful rugs you and the girls are working on. Thank you for always sharing~


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