Saturday, December 28, 2013

Little Hexies

I'm still plugging along on my tiny hexie project - this is what I usually work on in the evenings while I'm watching TV with hubby. The hexies measure 3/8". Each one of the rosettes with the cream colored outlining takes me about six hours from start to finish, so there is a lot of time invested in this little quilt. I only have a few more units to complete and then I can start stitching them all together into a whole.

While taking Christmas down today I snapped a couple pictures of these cute garland I made several years ago - thought some of you might like to see it. I used #8 wool strips (1/4" wide) and threaded them onto a needle with crochet thread - added a bead from a broken garland - and then repeated until it was the length I wanted. 

I use this one on a small feather tree, but you could make one any size you want. Would be fun on a Valentine tree - or an Easter tree - or even a Halloween tree. Just change the colors of the wool and the beads and voila!


  1. I really love your Hexie project Gayle!

  2. Oh, wow, your little hexie project is incredible, Gayle! Will it be a wall hanging or table topper, or have you decided?
    Clever little garland. Very nice homemade Christmas idea.

  3. I can't even begin to imagine such tiny hexies!
    How funny on the garland. I was constructing one of those in my mind a couple weeks ago.
    Happy New Year.
    Hugs :)

  4. Love the little hexjes, isn't it great to watch (or listen) tv while playing with fabric? Cute idea for a garland!

  5. Such tiny pieces, must have a great pair of glasses!

    LOVE the wool have such great projects to share - ALWAYS.

    Hugs, Linda

  6. wow! those sure all small!
    hoping to see it as it come together! love your garland too!

  7. Your hexies are so cute - love how tiny they are. Great idea on the garland - I should start on Christmas ideas right now for NEXT year!

  8. Your hexies are wonderful! That's going to be an heirloom quilt by the time you're finished up.:)

  9. Your hexi project is a labor of love Gayle !!
    The wool garland is so so clever. ;)
    I am always looking for ways to use wool.

  10. Your little hexie project is fabulous! Love how you made the garland. Happy New Year!

  11. Wow! Your hexagon project is so pretty! Tiny too!!

  12. OMG... oh my, girl!!! Such tiny tiny hexies! Will enjoy watching your progress on this beauty!

  13. Your hexies are awesome. I don't think I could even see or hold something that tiny. We're all enjoying watching those hexies multiply.

  14. Your little hexies look great! And what a cute idea for garland! Might have to borrow that one!

  15. What a cute idea, it is fun seeing what you have been doing. How fun to have a wedding--the bride looks so happy and gorgeous!!!

  16. What a cute idea, it is fun seeing what you have been doing. How fun to have a wedding--the bride looks so happy and gorgeous!!!


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