Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Busy Little Four Patch

                                            *GIVEAWAY CLOSED*

I got the itch to stitch the other day and made this cute little 4-patch quilt. The blocks measure 1-1/2" square and are made of red & ivory & black fabrics. The finished size is 11" x 14-1/2".

I quilted it on a diagonal grid with straight lines. It puckered up quite a bit when I washed it and got a little bit wavy, but I think it'll flatten out eventually.

My birthday is on January 1st and I'd like to give this little quilt away as a way of celebrating my 59th. Please leave a comment telling me you'd like to win it and I'll draw a name Wednesday night.


  1. Of course, I'd like to win it--I love black and red--but since I am already blessed with a few pieces of your handiwork, I should probably not be included in the giveaway. It is so cute, Gayle--great job!
    Oh, I didn't know you were a new year baby! I'll have to bring some happy birthday wishes to you when we are at the retreat next week! Can't wait!
    Have a great birthday--we will all be celebrating for you/with you. : )

  2. I would love thus little quilt. It is so old fashion and would make a great doll quilt.

  3. I would love thus little quilt. It is so old fashion and would make a great doll quilt.

  4. Happy Birthday! Please put my name in the hat to win that cute little quilt. I love it.

  5. Happy Birthday Gayle, here in the Netherlands we are just 10 minutes away from the new year. We are ahead of you by 8 hours I think. Love the little quilt,you made, so genereus of you to do this give away.

  6. What a sweet quilt, and what a sweet way to celebrate the New Year! Happy New Year, Gayle, and Happy Birthday! Sarah

  7. Happy Birthday Gayle,
    I would love to win your little quilt. You could even deliver it in person at rug hooking. Hope you have a great one and a great New Year.

  8. Happy Birthday--the quilt looks perfect to me--the "errors" are character

  9. I would love to own an original by you, you do great work

  10. Of course I'd like to win it, who wouldn't? It's sooo cute! Happy New Year and Birthday!!

  11. It's wonderful, I love it! The colors are a bit different than the colors you usually do. I would love to win it!

    I hope you have a very Happy new Year & a very Happy Birthday!

  12. Happy, happy birthday. What a sweet little quilt.
    Please don't enter me since I am already the proud owner of a little quilt made by you.
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs :)

  13. Love your little quilt. Make sure to enjoy your last fifties year. Happy birthday!

  14. Happy birthday! I think we should be sending you a present, not the other way around! Lovely mini quilt though. Hope the family spoilt you and you enjoyed your special day

  15. I hope you have a fabulous day Gayle on your Birthday !!
    Your work is always lovely and I would love the chance to win. ;)

  16. Sweet little quilt! Would love to win of course.
    Happy Birthday and Happy New Year Gayle!!

  17. What a cute little quilt! Happy birthday and happy new year!

  18. First of all Happy Birthday Gayle. Second, I would love to have this little quilt. My Granddaughters would love to play with dolls and a new quilt. How giving of you. Happy Birthday

  19. Happy Birthday Gayle! How generous to be giving away such a darling mini quilt for YOUR birthday!

  20. what a sweet little quilt please enter me in your birthday giveaway your blog is very inspiring always wondering what you will do next have a happy birthday from one 59ner to another 59ner linda

  21. Because it would be something you stitched and I have a cute little grand daughter who shares your birthday! She is a busy little four year old who adores baby dolls. Happy Birthday, Gayle!!

  22. Happy Birthday, Gayle!! Sorry to have missed your giveaway...your little quilt is beautiful!

    Congrats to the lucky winner.

    Hugs, Linda


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