Friday, July 26, 2013

A Few Projects

I haven't been doing a LOT of sewing or hooking lately - the heat is just sapping my energy every single day - can't wait for cooler temperatures. However, I have gotten a few things done so I'll share them here.

Last week I attended the preview of the Springville Quilt Show, but I didn't realize that none of the quilts had info attached to their displays so I was disappointed in not knowing the names of the quilters who made the projects I liked - or who designed them. This was my favorite - I've developed a real fondness for, and interest in medallion quilts lately and I liked how this one is off-center - very interesting - and of course the applique border makes it special too.

I also liked this hexagon piece - it was in a frame and each hexie measured 1/2" - there was a small sign that this was for display only and was not to be judged since it wasn't actually quilted.

Last Friday was the annual Antelope by Moonlight bike ride that takes place on an island in the middle of the Great Salt Lake. For several years I've helped register people who show up at the last minute and want to ride, but for a change this year I decided to help with setting up and serving the food instead.  I had to drive through three herds of buffalo on my way out to the ranch house.

Hubby has designed the t-shirts for this event for 20 years now - this is the current design that each rider received upon arrival. All twenty of his tees were on display and lots of people could point out the ones that they owned - kinda fun. I got home about 2:00 AM - covered with mosquito bites - sigh!

Our county fair has started something new this year to try and UP the participation in the home arts department. For $1, I purchased a fat quarter of this fabric.

Then I made this little chevron quilt out of it that I will enter when the fair starts next month. Not sure if they're awarding ribbons, or prize money - but I doubt I'll win anything - don't like the way I cut off the tops and bottoms off the zigs and zags - oh well. It'll be fun to participate anyway, and I look forward to seeing what other quilters did with the fabric.

I made this small pioneer braid quilt from a book by Tara Darr - it's really, really busy - especially with that floral border I added, but I like it. Maybe I should have added a darker stop border to contain things a bit, but too late now. All those bias edges were a bugger to work with!

I've been keeping up with Pam Buda's current sew-along....

...and I'm trying to finish the hexagon quilt from her Prairie Women's Sewing Circle that I started a few months ago - only a couple more rows to stitch and then it'll be ready for some wool applique and quilting.


  1. Wowser, impressive Buffalo picture. And what a fantastic tee shirt design!!! The quilts and previous posts of hooked pieces was great eye candy as well. Quite a talented family I'd say.

    Have a great weekend.


  2. Gayle, Love the design your husband created for the T-shirts...very cool!

    Your chevron quilt is are so creative and you get so MUCH accomplished! Please telepath some of your boundless energy my way!

    Hugs, Linda

  3. Your hubby is a talented man, does he design rug patterns for you? My boys loved seeing the buffalo, wanted to know why he wanted to cross the road!
    You quilty progress is impressive given the heat, working on small things is a good idea I must remember when we finally see summer. I really liked your braid quilt and the zig zag.

  4. For not sewing much you've accomplished quite a bit. Your husbands art work is fantastic. It's a wonderful design. Too bad the quilt show didn't acknowledge the artists.

  5. I love all your quilt photos, that buffalo is huge! I didn't there were any islands there. hating all the mosquitoes this year, they are terrible, and the ticks. Hope your weekend is wonderful!

  6. Even with the heat you seem to get a lot done, beautiful quilts you are werking on. I love that 'knitted' fabric.
    Antilope Island brings back memories of a great vacation a feb years ago. We saw many Buffalo!

  7. Beautiful quilts !
    The T-shirt design is so clever.
    What an honor to be designing these shirts for twenty years !
    Wondering how many miles the bike ride is and what kind of turnout you are seeing at midnight ?? ;)
    My family loved seeing the picture of the buffalo - 3 heards, I cannot even imagine.

  8. Great quilts - thanks for sharing! Very cool T-shirts that your husband designed. Looks to me like you've gotten a lot accomplished. Love all of your projects!

  9. Love Barry's Tee Shirt design! What a fun event. And now that I'm working for Triangles On A Roll, I should have told you about our braid product that would have made all of those bias edges a snap. Call me if you have another quilt project with HST, QST, Flying Geese or braids. I will be doing upcoming posts about them too.

  10. And you say you haven't done much. I am worn out just reading about it.

    Thanks for sharing.

  11. What do you mean, you haven't done much?!?
    Your little chevron quilt looks great--very clever!
    I LOVE the pioneer braid quilt. I have promised to make that one for DD#1 in red/green plaid shirt scraps for Christmas use. Thanks for the warning about the bias edges. I have kind of wondered about that.
    I wanted to do Pam's SAL, but knew I wouldn't be able to keep up. I like the look so far.
    My goodness, hexies, too? Wonder Woman!!
    Barry's shirt design is cool--I'd love to see them all sometime.

  12. You have been busy and productive! Love your chevron am going to try making zig zag with HST

  13. I thought you started out this post by saying you haven't done much... right!!! It's easy to see why your hubby has been designing the T-shirts for 20 years... it's awesome! LOVE the braided mini from Tara's book...(that's the mini I picked for my August sew along quilt... debuting in a few days!) I thought it was fun to do... I made mine narrower than the pattern because I used a charm pack. Also LOVE your srappy Pam Buda blocks... my favorites of what I've seen in blogland!!! Your zigzag mini looks like a winner to me!

  14. Goodness Gayle - that is quite a LOT for not being too productive LOL ! LOVE the Hexie quilt - of course all your quilting is beautiful. I was at a retreat this past weekend that had 100 quilts and 4 rug hookers so to say i was inspired by all the work they were doing is an understatement. I am planning to delve more into hand piecing - I have a small design I am working on now and I am taking a wool applique intro class this weekend - Enjoy the dog days of summer - Mel

  15. Looks like you're moving right along on lots of projects. Your little quilts are darling.

  16. Gayle, I think that your chevron quilt turned out darling. Love, love the hexagon! Can't wait to see it finished. I've never heard of that race. Sounds fun and neat that hubby designs the shirts. I have had a terrible time getting in the mood to sew. Just trying to finish up a couple of small quilts so I'll have SOMETHING for the Kennel Quilt Show. Not happy with one, but oh well. Next year I have got to start early. I have lots to work on. Hope you are able to make it down. It's going to be Sept. 6th. I'll be putting an announcement on the Kennel Girls Blog soon.

  17. You have been busy! I really like the zig zag fabric challenge and the way you cut off the zig zags. Your projects are just lovely!!

  18. So many leaves on the quilt border. Must have taken a long time to stitch that many on. Thank you for sharing the picture.


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