Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Spent all of last week in Hawaii with family - we had a wonderful time - went to a beach every single day - got sunburned of course. We saw whale spouts off in the distance and hubby & the kids got to see a three foot sea turtle while they were snorkeling as well as tons of tropical fish. 

My favorite moment came when we 'hiked' up to a waterfall (the trail was wide - and paved - so it wasn't really much of a hike). There were a bunch of people swimming in the pool at the bottom of the falls. After awhile they got out and I realized they were all local Polynesians. Before leaving they lined up along the edge of the pool and sang a song that echoed off the rock cliffs - it was spontaneous and authentic - not canned entertainment like you'd see at a luau. Awesome!

I only did a small amount of sewing in the airport and on the plane - just too busy the rest of the time. I appliqued a couple of basket blocks that I've been working on for ages - I remember stitching them in Portugal when we went there about four years ago and I haven't made much progress since then! 

And I got a couple tiny Grandmother's Flower Garden blocks made.

This is a project from a recent issue of Primitive Quilts and Projects magazine and it'll probably take me years to make this one too! LOL

 Both of my rug groups meet this week so I'll be able to share pictures by the weekend. Today is hubby's birthday - I'm going to meet up with him in the afternoon and we're going to see an art exhibit where he has a wood carving on display - I'll share pictures of that too. It's good to be home.


  1. Great to be able to enjoy a vacation! Your little quilt projects make take awhile to finish, but they're going to be full of special memories.:)

  2. Today is Barry's birthday? It's Kent's too!!! (the big 60, but don't let him know I told you) One more thing our husband's have in common. Love the story at the waterfall in Hawaii.

  3. Welcome back! Glad you had a wonderful vacation... how lucky for you to witness the waterfall song! Your new Primitive magazine project is very ambitious!

  4. Gorgeous scenery, Gayle. Very cool experience at the waterfall. Times like that are magic moments, never to be forgotten.
    That is a tiny hexie project. It is going to be wonderful. You will probably finish it before I finish my hexie quilt. I've been working on it at least 15 years. : )

  5. Love Hawaii, we had our honeymoon there and I am definately going back one day. Your stitching progress might have been small, but at least you started working on those projects of old again! I love the little baskets, I was making those but chickened out and machine appliqued them instead! I still wish I hadnt! Looking forward to the next round of show and tell, including your DH wood work, as my Dad is a wood turner.

  6. what a wonderful vacation - love the mini hexies - I really would like to learn how to do paper piecing one day. for now I am actually doing a tiny project in the Moda Candy booklet and I am enjoying it a lot when I find time to get it out. Sewing is just not one of my "go to" things plus I don't need yet another hobby but I do love applique and quilting. Take care melody

  7. What a wonderful vacation, Gayle. What an experience to see the locals singing at the waterfall! Love all your projects!

  8. Welcome home and Happy Birthday to your hubby.

    Those tiny pieces would test anyone's patience. Good luck with this project. I never thought that they would allow sharp needles onboard the plane. They are usually so strict with sharp objects.

    You are very lucky to have been in vacationing in Hawaii. The singing at the waterfall was a cool thing for them to do. I'm glad that you enjoyed your time there with family.

  9. That looks like an amazing vacation Gayle! And you even got some quilting done. Love the hexagon quilt!

  10. Hi Gayle, sorry i havent been visiting much.. next rainy day i will catch up more. looks like you are staying busy and working on projects! glad you had a great time in Hawaii, always nice to get away for a bit! enjoy your day Gayle!!

  11. I love Hawaii. How lucky you were there to witness a fun event by the water.
    Your hexagon project is very ambitious, but I'm sure it will be a happy journey.

  12. Your vacation sounds like a dream come true. What size are those hexes?

  13. Congrats on the new grand baby!


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