Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Quick Update

I just finished hooking these little hearts - they're all pressed and the edges folded back. Now I need to hand stitch a backing on them - stuff them - and mount them onto vintage wooden bobbins. Hopefully they'll be balanced enough to stand on their own when I'm all done with that.

Here they are right after being hooked onto the linen backing - I had a little scrap that was just the right size to fit two of them on it. I won the pattern for this heart awhile ago and made the one with circles from that. Since I didn't want both to be the same I just drew some squiggly lines on the other heart and started hooking from my worm pile. 'Twas fun!

Two weeks ago at our Salt Lake rug group Nancy told us about the surprise adoption of a new grandbaby - she had this horse rug all finished and ready before she even knew that she'd be needing it for the little guy!  Since she had given it away, I had to take a picture of a picture - that's why it's not very clear. She was very excited by this new development in her family's life.

This is the rug she's working on now - the pattern for it is in the most recent issue of RHM - and she added her own touches to it (of course). Everyone else was working on projects I've shown before so I didn't snap pictures of them this month. I noticed that she got a shout out in the latest ATHA magazine from someone who used one of her published dye recipes for their rug.

I spent all of last week in the Phoenix area - hubby had to attend a conference and I got to go along with him. It was our first time there and we really enjoyed the desert and the city. The saguaro cactus were especially beautiful everywhere we went and we definitely appreciated temperatures that were thirty degrees warmer than we'd been used to. We found out that there was lots of rain, hail and even snow here at home while we were gone.

 I snapped a picture of the carpet in the hallway of the conference center cuz I liked the geometric design - would make a great rug, huh? I seem to remember doing the same thing at the hotel we stayed at last May in Denver! LOL

Over a year ago I found THIS great tutorial for a cute little zippered bag to hold ear buds for my iPod. Today I finally got around to making it and I'll get to use it this weekend on a long plane ride. 

I'm usually a pretty good seamstress, but this didn't turn out perfectly round - I guess cuz I was in a bit of a hurry - but it'll do the job okay.

On the sewing front, I've been working on some tiny little hexagons - a great portable project to stitch while traveling. Hopefully I'll get a lot of them finished by the time I return home.


  1. Gayle ~
    So where are you off to next??? Lucky you.
    Sweet little hearts! LOVE the horse rug!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs :)

  2. Rug hooked hearts--awesome!

    Thank you for sharing the hooked rugs--beautiful

  3. Oh, Gayle, I love those hearts and that will be so fun to have them mounted on bobbins.
    Nancy makes very cool designs.
    How timely to have that rug available. I wish we would get an adoption in our family!
    Have a great time in Hawaii!!

  4. great hearts!
    happy for Nancy & family.
    good for you on the journey!
    have a great rest of the week!

  5. Beautiful photos.
    I am in love with those great hearts!
    Woolie Hugs

  6. Those hearts are so very cute! Can't wait to see them all done! I hope you will post a pic! Great rug on the floor also...I do that all the time! Would love to see your hexie project....hint hint!

  7. Wish I would have known you were in my neighborhood!
    Love your hearts and have fun with your hexies on your trip.

  8. Your hooked hearts are adorable!!

    I like the earbuds holder, round or not:)

  9. The little hearts are adorable!!! All of your projects are just so fun!!! Have a great trip in Hawaii!!


  10. It was great to see you Gayle! I am so glad you had such a nice time here in Arizona. You came at the best week weather wise. It's supposed to reach 99 degrees by Sunday.

  11. Your little heart rugs are darling and a great way to use up left over wool worms. I love the earbuds bag for your iPad, very eye catching cleaver.
    Nancy's rug are beautiful.
    I'm glad that you are finding time to work and play while traveling. Have a great time and thanks for sharing what you've been up to.

  12. So glad that you got to visit my neck of the woods, so to speak. Of course, I was in Utah "enjoying" all that rain, snow, and sleet while you were in Arizona. Back in Arizona now and my rose arbor is in full bloom! Lovely!

  13. Wonderful pics!Love,love your hooked hearts.Have a safe trip and I think your little bag is perfect.Hugs,Jen

  14. Love your rug pictures, but the heart with circles is my favorite! The eyebud bag is a great idea, need to make a few of those for gifts for friends off travelling.

  15. Love the hooked hearts. I have one in my pile of UFO's. Got to get it out and finish it.
    Have fun traveling and be safe!

  16. Goodness, the hooked hearts are so darn cute... love the bright colors! Great idea for the IPod earbuds. Enjoy Hawaii... take lots of pictures to share!

  17. Love your sweet hearts. Great use of your worms. Can't wait to see them all finished.

  18. Cute little ear buds bag. Love the idea. Those cactus look great in Phoenix, that is a place still on my bucket list to visit.

  19. You ALWAYS share the best rugs, Gayle. I love the horse rug and yes, the pictured carpet design would make a fabulous hooked rug!

    Your hooked hearts are awesome, and what a great little project to store ear buds...thanks for sharing!

    Hugs, Linda

  20. Love the rugs from you and Nancy! Glad you had fun in AZ, I am headed there in a week.


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