Sunday, March 17, 2013

Little Yellow Chicks

Years ago when my kids were small I used to pull out all the stops when it came to decorating for the holidays - I've slowed W-A-Y down since then. This is the extent of my attempts at Easter this year - a small tablescape. About five years ago I switched from using Easter bunnies and now enjoy making and collecting little yellow chicks. I have a hooked rug and several chicks made in different mediums on display on my kitchen table - fun stuff. I did make a couple of chocolate rabbits out of painted muslin that I included in an old wooden bowl of mossy rocks.

Last week was my meeting with the Salt Lake rug group - Nancy has finished her little rug showing a house on a hill.

This is the cross stitch she made 20+ years ago that inspired the piece - can you see the similarities between them?

And now she's working on a fun little horse rug that was a free pattern in a recent issue of Rug Hooking Magazine that she has personalized with some of her own touches to make her own. Everyone else was working on the same projects that I shared last month so I didn't snap any pictures of them.

A couple weeks ago I won a giveaway on Anne's blog for a lighthouse ornament and I realized that I hadn't shared a picture of it yet - so here it is - it's hooked with yarn that she gets from her own sheep that graze right near the ocean - so the lighthouse has extra special significance. Thanks again Anne! I love it!

Lauren has received the little quilt that I made her so I can share a picture of it now. She's passionate about her pugs - and she's so generous - always giving away hooked rugs that she makes - so I decided she needed to be on the receiving end of a gift for once. This was a fun little project - I printed the picture on muslin and pieced a small border of squares to frame it. I think the finished size was about 10" x 12" or so.

A couple weeks ago I met with a group of friends and we had a tea party at Janet's house. She asked everyone to bring a vintage hat if they had one - and to wear a string of pearls. Each of us also brought some kind of finger food. We had cucumber sandwiches, eclairs, dipped strawberries, tiny muffins and apple tarts - all of it was delicious.  We also had our choice of 6-8 different kinds of herbal tea to drink. 

The table was set with some pretty dishes and a small square tablecloth that she bought on a recent trip to Sweden.

Here's a picture of us wearing our hats behind a display of all her vintage goodies.

After eating, we used the supplies on this tray - - - -

- - - to make these cute little wool felt charms. She had kits made up for each of us and we hand stitched them together - stuffed them - and embellished with beads. Each one measures about 1" tall.

She had this vintage baby quilt on display for the evening - one of many great ones she's purchased through the years.

I've been fighting a bad head cold for the last couple of weeks - the only good thing about being sick is realizing how healthy I usually am. Hope it's gone soon!


  1. Your little chicks are so cute! Thanks for the show and tell, I always enjoy it. Hope you get to feeling better.

  2. I love your little Easter display, that has inspired me to get my bits n pieces out, thanks! As always love seeing the rugs.

  3. What a delightful tea party with the hats, pearls, and cute food. Your chick display is sweet. I don't do much decorating anymore, but it was fun when I did. Always enjoy the show and tell of your friends projects.

  4. Your little chicks adds cheerful spring color for Easter. Since I'm only coming back home fro OTtawa Easter evening, my Easter decorations are all still in totes and will only come out next year.

    The vintage hats are fun. It looks like you have been having a great time.
    Sorry for your being sick. Spring is right at the door step and I hope that you'll feel all better real soon.

  5. You've got me beat on decorating - it seems like I barely even decorate for Christmas anymore. Love the rugs, as always! It looks like you've been busy with projects and parties! Fun times!!

  6. Cute little chicks for Easter decorations... can't believe it's two weeks away! Loved your picture of the hat ladies... what a fun way to spend time with friends! As always, I enjoy seeing the hooked rug projects too!

  7. this was a great post, loved seeing the pictures, hope you feel better quickly!

  8. What a sweet post! Love your chicks!!! And all the other projects/gifts are just wonderful! I'm amazed with all your rug hooking!


  9. Wonderful post with so many fun things. I love your little chick rug--so cute!
    What a great little quilt you made for your friend!
    Looks like a wonderful tea party. Why don't I have friends who do that sort of thing? : )
    Hope you get feeling better soon.

  10. Cute charms you have made. Looks like a nice vintage gathering you had at your friends house! Love the rugs y'all made again!

  11. Your little still life looks so pretty. I, especially love the chicken rug and the chocolate bunnies. Could bite right into.

  12. What a wonderful Easter display! I don't have much easter decor but it is in different little corners of my home. I really love the little horse mat that Nancy is working on and will defiantly have to look that pattern up in rug hooking magazine. I am also happy that Lauren was the recipient of your very cute pug quilt that you made. Happy Easter!

  13. Gayle I love all your projects. I love your rugs. Hugs

  14. Love your little chicks. I've cut waaay back on holiday decorations too. Mimi

  15. I love your little table with the Easter goodies!! Simple and sweet!

  16. Hi Gayle,
    Thanks so much for stopping by! I am now your newest follower! :))

    LOVE your chickie display~I am love w/lil' chickies lately too! Looks like we have a lot in common.I have scaled way down to w/my seasonal decor lately.

    I enjoyed viewing your pics and hope to come back soon to visit more.

    Prim hugs,

  17. Gayle, you collection of chicks is so fun. I love it! Love the hooked rug. The tea party sounds so fun. I love getting together with friends! Thanks so much for sharing with Share Your Cup.


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