Thursday, March 21, 2013

Little of This, Little of That

Tuesday I got the itch to stitch up something quick, so I made this little quilt - don't even know if there's a name for this block. Measures about 14" x 20" finished.

I finally finished hooking my row rug - now I need to finish the edges. I usually whip with yarn, but this time I'm going to try a crocheted edge. Wish me luck while I try to figure it out!

My little grandson moved from his crib to a twin sized bed a few months ago. I've been collecting fabrics to make him a new quilt and I think I finally have what I need. This should work up quickly and it'll be fun to work with these bright colors that are not part of my normal palette. The background will be a plain white, and the grey polka dot at the bottom of this pile will be the back of the quilt.

I made my new header months and months ago, and then couldn't get it to load. I found the picture and tried again the other day - voila!


  1. Your little quilt is adorable.
    Your row rug looks quite large.
    You are going to have fun making that quilt for your grandson. I'm looking forward to see it finished. I'm sure it will look beautiful.

  2. Your header looks great. I've had trouble getting my header to post larger the last time I tried to change mine. Blogger is so finicky...

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Love the little quilt!I would love to see more of your row rug,so interesting.Oh how lucky your grandson is to have you making him a quilt.Lovely new header.Hugs,Jen

  4. Love that little quilt. Sometime we should do a small swap. It would be fun to exchange with you.
    Yes, when do we get to see the whole row rug. You've got me so curious with all of the little peeks.
    It is refreshing to make a child's quilt and use some bright things for a change, isn't it?
    I like your new header. I practically had to wrestle blogger to the floor to finish my new post. Sometimes it is so maddening

  5. I am hoping you show your Row Rug in whole... It looks amazing just from the small peeks you have been showing ! The colors for your grandson's quilt are fabulous.

  6. Your rug turned out so cute. Love your new header!

  7. Love your new header! Isn't it hard to pick out bright fabrics? I sure do struggle with it - but the quilt will be awesome when you get it finished. Not nice of you to tease us with that rug! I want to see it all!

  8. Your new header looks great. I keep planning to update mine but it never seems to happen. Can you show us your full rug when it is completed? It looks wonderful

  9. The headed looks great. I am afraid to mess with mine because it took me so long to figure out how to do it.
    I love the little quilt and look forward to seeing your finished rug!

  10. Love your projects and your new color palette!

  11. Great little quilt--looks very fast and fun! Would love to see more of your rug too. Love the colors and design.:)

  12. Love the new header, i tried but failed to get mine a decent size like that! Love orange and aqua, great colour combo for boys. Looking forward to seeing your finished rug, sorry no help though as I cannot crochet! Love the little quilt!

  13. Hi Gayle,
    Your hooking amazes me. Can't wait to see it totally finished. I think the fabrics for your grandsons new spread are so fun and perfect for a little man. Love, love the little sewing machine in your header. If I don't get back to sewing I will have nothing to share at our Dog Kennel Quilt Show.

  14. I am in the mood for a quick and easy little quilt but have too many applique blocks to work on and company coming in a couple days.

  15. gayle i love your rug! and your lil quilt and your fabric for your g-babes quilt! love it all! so good to see someone getting so much done!! love your new header too! enjoy your evening!

  16. love your header picture, and the little quilt. the colors for your grandson will be great, hope to see it when it's done!

  17. Gayle, Your new header is clever, and I LOVE the preview of your row rug...can't wait to see it finished!! The quilt fabric is the colors together.

    Hugs, Linda

  18. Lovely creations! You are so creative, Gayle!

  19. The fabrics are so cute, can't wait to see what you make with them.

  20. The little quilt is too adorable; it's great to do little projects from time to time.


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