Sunday, July 22, 2012

Two Quilts Done

I got my Granny Square quilt all finished up. After machine quilting it I was a little worried because it was quite stiff. But after a trip through the washer & dryer, the cotton batting came through for me and shrunk up - making it soft and crinkly - love it! Finished size is 22-1/2" square and the blocks are 6".

As soon as that project was done I started on another small quilt I've wanted to do for quite awhile. I saw one hanging on the wall of Julie's sewing room when she shared pictures of it a few days ago and that gave me the push I needed to tackle it. I got all the blocks cut & pieced on one day. Then sewed them all together and quilted & bound it the next.  This double hour glass block was a fun one to do too. Finished size is 16-1/2" x 20" and the blocks are 3-1/2".

By the way, you really should visit Julie's blog - she makes wonderful stuff - including an amazing rug made of fabric selvages that she recently showed.


  1. Nothing like a good bath and a tumble in the dryer to soften something up! They look great!

  2. Just love them both, they came out great!

  3. Crinkled goodness! Check out this post!

  4. both quilts are just made quick work of them.

  5. both your finishes are so lovely!! luv em.

  6. Nice job on the little quilts! they will look great on your sewing room walls. I remember you were published for some of your little quilt designs a few years back.

  7. Well, look at you go, Gayle. Too wonderful little quilts whipped up in a jiffy. You are going to have that wall full of little quilts before you know it. In fact, you may end up with too many if you keep churning them out like this. So just in case, I want you to know that there will always be room on my wall! : )

  8. Oh. My. Stars. I love your tiny quilts. That mini granny is killing me. I am in awe that it is finished, quilted, bound, washed, dried, and crinkled. It is perfection!!

  9. Nothing like a good bath and a tumble in the dryer to soften something up! They look great!


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