Thursday, July 19, 2012

Granny Quilt

Yesterday I finished making all nine blocks for my Great Granny quilt which you can see below. But I wasn't liking that block in the lower left hand corner - the yellow outer row was just not right.

So I made one more to replace it and I like that lots better.

I've got the blocks all sewn together now and I'm ready to machine quilt them. This has been a fun, quick project - not to mention addictive! LOL


  1. Your blocks look great! This is one (of many) quilts on my bucket list.

  2. love your blocks and your background fabric.

  3. Oooo, love the fabrics you used on this quilt from my bucket list! : ) The second block does work better with the fabrics in your other blocks. Now do I remember correctly that these are 6" blocks, or am I confusing them with someone else's blocks?

  4. You're right ... that first one had to go! It looks much better now. Maybe you could tone down that first one with some leftover coffee and use it for something else. Unless you are like me and don't have any leftover coffee around!

  5. YUMMY! Love these blocks...guess I will have to cave in and start making some too! Thanks for the inspiration! :)


  6. I don't dislike the first yellow square but I really like the second one! Good for you that you made another one...I have also found that if I leave something in a design that bothers me, well, it always bothers me.

  7. Wonderful quilt! I like the block you substituted for the yellow, much better.

  8. I like the second block you made as a substitute. Still in the yellow family but much more suitable.

  9. What an amazing difference the second block makes. Before, my eyes were drawn to that bottom left block but now I look at the whole of the quilt. Good balance.
    Great job.


  10. it looks great, I like the change!

  11. Your blocks are very charming and so skillfully done. I like the replacement block too. It plays better with the others.

  12. So pretty!! I do like the "new" block better.

  13. I like the new block too. I like making little quilts too!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!