Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thanks for all the suggestions you shared for getting rid of the masking tape residue I talked about in my last post. After reading them all, I started with the easiest solution - Dawn dish soap - that's the kind I had on hand - so I just soaked the glass jar in soapy water for awhile and it scrubbed right off!

Last week I attended my monthly rug hooking meeting in SLC and enjoyed visiting with the gals there. There wasn't a LOT of rug hooking going on, but the projects that WERE there were great!

Nancy had all the wools she was using arranged in a basket for quick access and they looked so pretty that I just had to snap a picture of them. I'm pretty sure all the colors are in her dye book  - Simply Beautiful Colors - available on Angela's website here.

And this is the rug they're going in - lots of fun stuff going on with this one!

Myra had hooked nearly this entire rug in 1-1/2 weeks and it was so cute. Just a simple Easter egg, but I really liked it - the pastels were so pretty together.

Yvonne came, but could only stay for a little while. So instead of bringing all her rug supplies, she brought a quilt so she could do some of the applique on it. Funny, because it's a Kim Diehl design, but it's in a different book than the one that I'm working on.

Next month I'm going to the Denver Hook-In. I was looking at their guild's website and I also visited their blog and saw this design challenge shared there - thought it would be fun to try my hand at it and hope to have it done in time to take with me. It's just 18" square so shouldn't take a long time for me to hook.

And finally, on my way home that day, I stopped at the thrift store and found this cute little felted purse - I see there is one exactly like it on ebay selling for $29 - I paid $1 for mine so think I got a good deal on it!


  1. I didn't know about the dishwashing thing for the residue, but I'll try that next time (particularly because someone took off with my bottle of Goo Be Gone). :o)

    Love all those projects and every time I see hooking I tell myself that I should pull mine out again.

  2. Those wool pieces in the basket look so beautiful--looks like a shop display.
    I have no idea how long hooking takes, but when I see the project you plan to have finished for next month I break out in a cold sweat. I guess you know what you can accomplish, though. It just seems like it would be very time consuming.
    What a fun and funky little purse you found--and such a bargain!

  3. Love the basket full of color!
    I always enjoy seeing your projects and fun finds!

  4. Wool is just beautiful no matter what form it's in!

  5. wool so pretty in a basket, love the bright colors in the rugs. also really like your challenge rug. that will be fun! a nice hook in to look forward too! great little buy at the thrift shop! i love those kinda finds! enjoy your day gayle!

  6. I love how the wool is displayed in basket, so pretty. I love the colors.

    Thanks for the easy recipe for removing dried up masking tape residue. Way better than solvent. JB

  7. The wool colors are so much brighter than I'm used to seeing from the group. Especially nice for Easter rugs.
    Have a wonderful time in Denver, and I want to hear all about it!

  8. That basket of wool pieces looks yummy! Makes me want to play.

  9. The wool peices are so beautiful. Everyone is working on such great things. Have fun in Denver. -Steph-


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