Monday, April 9, 2012

More Progress

Wow is that a boring title for this post! LOL Anyway, I've got a bit more done on my Kim Diehl quilt, and now I've reached a point where I need to go buy some fabric for part of the border. Those of you who have seen my studio and fabric stash will gasp to hear this, but it's true - I've gone through every single piece that I own - and while there is one that's just perfect to use - there isn't enough of it -----so off to the quilt store I must go! (yay)

And now I need some help. Over the weekend I went to a yard sale and bought a couple glass jars that will be great for storage. One of them had old, old masking tape wrapped around it but when I removed the tape, the residue stayed and I just can't get it off. Any suggestions for me?


  1. Gayle, Try vegetable oil. It will take some rubbing and possibly two or more attempts.

    Peanut butter also dissolves some sticky residue (some rubbing with paper towels required!)

    If those fail, there is a product that I keep around the house called, "De-Solv-It" that really works well.

  2. Sorry if I've left multiple comments - blogger seems to not like me tonight.
    The quilt is beautiful - can't wait to see what you purchase for the border.

    Do you have any Goo-Gone? Not sure how it would work on dried glue, but it sure works when the glue is still sticky!

  3. That quilt is so fun! Love that colors.
    What quilt store do you hit up when you can choose?
    Okay, the scrapbooking product "Scrapper's Solution" by Un-Du will absolutely take care of the residue. You can get it at most scrapbook and craft stores. Wal-Mart was carrying it when I looked for it there once, but that was a long time ago. Just squirt a little on the stuff, let it sit and then use the scraper attached to the bottle collar, or wipe it hard with tissues. If it is really old it might take two or three applications, but it will work!

  4. The quilt is beautiful! I agree with the Goo-Gone. Works wonders for me! Elaine

  5. Your Kim Diehl quilt is gorgeous! It seems no matter what fabrics we have in our stash, a trip to the quilt shop is always necessary to complete a project! Fun find from the sale. I'm always on the lookout for items that can keep me organized!

  6. Your quilt looks great!!!

    I use Goo Gone for getting stuff like that off. It works really well!

  7. Goo Gone is good but you can also try spraying with WD40. Another solution is to use a razor blade (do they still make the Widget?) first and afterwords try some remover. Let us know what worked for you.
    Gorgeous quilt!
    Hugs :)

  8. Goo Gone may be successful. If not, lighter fluid and a razor blade. Widgets haven't been made in a number of years but there are little plastic blade holders that are almost as good.

  9. Try rubbing alcohol or the Goo B Gone stuff. Good luck!

  10. Try isopropyl alcohol/rubbing alcohol.

  11. Oh Gayle, that is gorgeous! I love the designs and the colors you used!

    I have bought many, many jars from garage sales. The first thing I do is bring them in the house and put them in soapy water. If it is small jars, then I put them in a bowl of water with Dawn. If it is bigger jars like the ones you have, I put them in one side of the sink until they are covered. Let them soak half a day or even overnight. I have ALWAYS then been able to just push that sticky stuff off with my thumb. I have goo gone and un-du but have never had to use those products as the Dawn takes that masking tape residue right off! There are certain store tags/labels that will only come off with goo gone though. But I've always had good results this way. Then I run them through the dishwasher just to be safe =]

  12. Oh Gayle, that is gorgeous! I love the designs and the colors you used!

    I have bought many, many jars from garage sales. The first thing I do is bring them in the house and put them in soapy water. If it is small jars, then I put them in a bowl of water with Dawn. If it is bigger jars like the ones you have, I put them in one side of the sink until they are covered. Let them soak half a day or even overnight. I have ALWAYS then been able to just push that sticky stuff off with my thumb. I have goo gone and un-du but have never had to use those products as the Dawn takes that masking tape residue right off! There are certain store tags/labels that will only come off with goo gone though. But I've always had good results this way. Then I run them through the dishwasher just to be safe =]

  13. Why am I Anonymous and why did that post twice?? Crazy blogger!! This is Angie Berry from Berry Homespun Primitives... btw!

  14. Gayle, your quilt is absolutely gorgeous. I'm amazed at how fast you work. Looking forward to seeing finished.

    I've use solvent to remove lots of sticky sticker on jars and then I wash with hot soapy water. The jar should be dry before applying the solvent. JB

  15. Goo Gone works wonders on sticky issues. You apply it, let it sit and use a paper towel to get the residue off. Then I would wash it again.

  16. Yes, Goo Gone works perfectly! I use it all the time. In a matter of seconds all that gunk will rub off the side of the jar.

  17. Happy shopping and I love the quilt!

  18. There is a product similar to Goo Gone called Goof-Off. I've used both. I also agree with the comment about Dawn soap. That stuff is amazing. I absolutely love the quilt and can't wait to see the border fabric!

  19. Your quilt is just out of this world fabulous.

    Burning it off? Sorry, that is the best I can do.

  20. Your quilt is really looking fantastic! Nice work!
    I hope you got the jar cleaned- sure had a lot of options:)

  21. I would say that gorgeous quilt does deserve just the perfect fabric to finish it off - it is just smashing gayle - YGG - Melody

  22. Oh the quilt is just beautiful!! The colors are so pretty!

  23. Gayle,

    Your quilt is amazing ! I love the design !

    Thanks for stopping by my blog .


  24. WD40 will take off the old tape goop.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!