Saturday, September 30, 2017

Maybe This Works?

I bought a little camera from a neighbor who got a fancy new one and didn't need this anymore. It seems to work okay, except it doesn't look like I'm able to rotate photos like before. Guess I'll have to always take them in the horizontal position (which isn't great for some quilts), but I'll give it a try for only $35. Here's the barn quilt I tried to share in my last post.....


  1. It looks fabulous on your new home! Good luck with your "new camera"!

  2. A perfect fit, Gayle!
    Can you rotate the photos in a photo editing program on your computer?

  3. Great barn quilt on your gorgeous new home!

  4. It looks great to me and love your house.
    There are a lot of free editing programs online, easy enough to use and they all have basic editing tools.


  5. It looks perfect on your beautiful home! Now everyone knows a quilter lives there!
    If I would drive by your house it would make me wanna knock on your door and ask if I can see your quilts!

  6. Can you download the pictures to a photo editing program to rotate your pictures?

  7. your home is beautiful Gayle - love the barn quilt symbol - you did great! take care Mel


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!