Friday, January 13, 2017

My Favorite Things

I've been busy doing my favorite things, and that makes me happy! I punched this cute little bird motif....

.....copied from a hand-painted tile I received as a gift awhile ago.

Also punched this basket of flowers that was designed by Country Threads. The pattern was drawn on the monks cloth already and it was on clearance at my LQS for 75% off - can't beat the price!

I hooked this rug years and years ago, but never finished it because the curved edge made me nervous. I finally tackled it last week and it wasn't such a big deal after all. Instead of whipping it like I usually do, I sewed twill tape on and just turned it back and tacked it down. Easy peasy!

I participated in Kathleen's monthly challenge to make this little 4-patch from one of her books. Looks pretty good with my yellowware bowl.

There was some good show & tell when I met recently with my two rug groups. Sandy said she finished this Santa in plenty of time to enjoy it during the holidays.

Jeanette was punching a little snowman - perfect for a January project!

Coralee show us the results of her experiment of dyeing with pomegranate skins - amazing colors!

And she has started a rug showing a calico cat playing with balls of yarn.

Victoria is working on a forest rug showing a tree & some deer.

Yvonne is making a rug for the guest room where her granddaughters usually stay when they come for a visit. Very bright & happy.

Nancy received this cool wooden puzzle as a Christmas gift.

A Karla Gerard design.

On a side note, I thought I'd post this here in case any local gals would be interested. I need to sell the custom made shelving units that I've used for storing my fabrics in for the last 10+ years. They measure 4' wide and 8' tall. The shelves are 12" and 14" deep. There are two of these. I'd like $50 for each of them which is probably less than it cost to make them. Fabric NOT included!


  1. I like the little bird piece. A Pennsylvania Dutch design! I have a quilt pattern for a Pennsylvania Dutch quilt.

  2. Boy, you have been very busy! Great results. The little hooked rug looks great. It's funny how we avoid challenges.

  3. Wonderful pieces, lots of eye candy. I need more shelving, or maybe less stash, lol.


  4. Everything looks wonderful. I especially love the little bird!
    And the 4-patch (that looks incredible with that bowl) is delightful.
    Having seen those wonderful shelves, I wish I had a place to put them! That is a bargain!!

  5. Love your shelving, but too far away I'm on the west coast. Are they against a mirrored wall or back to back? I'm guessing mirrored wall.

    Lobe the bird!

  6. It's interesting what causes us to stall on a particular project. I guess that gorgeous hooked rug was just waiting until you realized you could do it. All your punched pieces are super cute, I'm glad you've had time to enjoy doing what you love doing best. Very cute shelving. You must have new plans for all that lovely fabric.

  7. very creative! I feel like I am stuck in neutral since the holidays.

  8. Love those shelves!! I always enjoy your posts, so much loveliness! Your Home rug is so cute!! Isn't that funny how sometimes we think we may not be able to do "something" and when we do it, it really wasn't that hard? I did the same thing with adding scallops on my Jane Stickle quilt.
    Have a lovely day.

  9. Lovely shelves! And I admire your fabric stash! You will never have to shop for fabric again! You can shop in your own stash!
    Every time I am amazed by the things you and your rug group are making! you are so talented!

  10. Beautiful projects, as usual !
    Dyeing with pomegranate skins sounds interesting.
    Where will you keep all that wonderful fabric ?

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. So admire your rugs and Needle punch, all beautiful.
    Wish I lived close, your shelves are wonderful!

  13. Love the shelves so much!! Where are you located?

    *Jeannette B.


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