Saturday, October 3, 2015


My little quilt group met at Kathy's house on Wednesday night last week. I am always amazed to see what she does to decorate for Halloween. A few months ago I showed pictures of some furniture she had made for a haunted house she was making out of a regular dollhouse. Well, it's mostly finished now and it's pretty spectacular. Here's the front of the house - it's placed on a lazysusan so you can spin it around to admire it from every angle.

This is the living room furnished with two wing back chairs - the round area rug I made for her using needle punch measures 3" across to give you and idea of scale. Notice the crooked witch's brooms hanging by the front door with spiders on the windows.

And a view of the other side of the living room with the cupboard made of foam core board -

This hutch is full of potions and lotions and high heeled shoes.

The bed set into the dormer window isn't very visible in this photo, but it was so cute! The witch's hat is displayed on the dresser waiting to be donned by it's owner.

This little shelf has tiny black houses displayed on it.

The rest of these photos are of her REAL house. She is a doll maker extraordinaire and she made this Frankenstein (along with many Santas, elves, leprechauns, Uncle Sams, & religious figures)

She has entire sets of dishes depicting the holiday and she uses them for dinner parties.

Another decorated area.

I don't know where she finds the time and energy to do all this - I get tired just thinking about it! But her children and grandchildren think it's great - she's still a kid at heart I think!


  1. That dollhouse is so fun, love the idea of having something like that to decorate for the seasons and holidays.
    She is very creative and talented.


  2. The detail in that little haunted house is incredible! This woman must love Halloween.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What detail in that little haunted house! I know that I certainly don't have the patience to try that! ;-)

  5. Your friend has such a creative mind. Especially when it came to decorating the Halloween house.

  6. All I can say is WOW! Kathy is incredibly talented. The detail in the haunted house is mind boggling and her displays in her home are are just so far beyond my lone pumpkin sitting in the middle of my table.

  7. Wow that is just incredible. I loved looking at everything. Very, very nice.

  8. Quite a talented lady and bet she is a favorite with the grands.

  9. Wow! How much fun to be able to see the tiny Haunted house! Love all of the tiny detail. And her real house isn't bad either!

  10. Super kewl! The haunted doll house is a fabulous idea! Love all the little details! And the decorations in her real house are very creative! Yes... lots of energy in all that.... I haven't even put one pumpkin out yet... maybe during the week...

  11. This is absolutely astonishing, especially for us in Europe where we don't celebrate Halloween like in America.

  12. That doll house is so am!!! Thanks for showing.

  13. What a great haunted house! So much details and so much love ande work that is put into that house! I love it!

  14. Hi Gayle,
    I am so AMAZED by the detail of this house!!! Absolutely incredible!!! You can tell she just LOVES doing it!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing!! WOW!!!
    Have a great week!!
    Warm Hugs~

  15. Wow! Amazing! I love the little dresser with all the tiny things on the shelves. The chairs and the little rug are so cute, too!

  16. this is amazing Gayle - glad to see it on your blog. Hope all is well with you! Enjoy the lovely autumn season Mel

  17. What an awesome house! Both of them!!


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