Friday, August 29, 2014

Hooked Rugs & Quilts

I finished whipping the edge of my star table runner with black yarn and have it on my kitchen table. Found a few goodies to display with it, but will try to find more to spiff it up a bit more.

I hooked these three little mats for a specific purpose - didn't like the first one too much - wasn't crazy about the second one - so I'm hoping the third one will work. They're all supposed to be the same size, but you can see that it isn't the case. I think maybe whether or not you use the lengthwise grain of the linen makes a difference?

Earlier this week I made the annual trek to Springville to see the quilt show there - these were my two favorites.I love that this one is asymmetrical - and of course the scrappy nature of it appeals to me. What a great scalloped border with the appliqued vine!

It had a label on the back with a touch of applique - inspires me to be better at labeling my quilts!

This one was really nice too - that stripe on the inner border looks good.

I've spent a few hours the last couple days starting - and catching up - on the Marcus Brothers SAL - so all five of my blocks are completed now. Four more to go - - -

Hope you all have a nice weekend. Hubby & I rarely go anywhere on holiday weekends - we just don't like dealing with the crowds - so we'll just relax at home for a few days.


  1. I don't have room for it but I would love a kitchen table like yours. And of course the hooked runner on it!

  2. Great star runner! Love it, Gayle!
    That is such a pretty asymmetrical quilt. Has a very light, almost delicate feel, to me.
    Way to go on the SAL. They are great blocks--I have been resisting. : ) You've chosen fabrics well.
    We don't usually go anywhere on holidays, other than an occasional hike. We were trying to decide on something different this time, but have drawn a blank so far. : )

  3. Your table runner is perfect on your table. It really fits your style. Both Quilts from the show are winners for sure. The asymmetrical one has some beautiful design elements. Have a relaxing holiday.

  4. I LOVE your table runner!! What a beautiful addition! I too love the quilts from the show! I've become quite an applique fan and this one doesn't disappoint!

    Have a peaceful, restful weekend!

    blessings and hugs!

  5. love the runner and the mats too, I like the 3rd one best.
    That first quilt is fabulous!

  6. Very nice! I think I should put more effort into labeling my quilts and rugs too! It's going to be an at home hobby weekend for us too! Enjoy! :-)

  7. Love your table runner. That star on a stand looks familiar ... I had one, but it got lost in our last move. :-(

    And your SAL blocks look fantastic.

  8. What an awsome tablerunner rug! Love the Springville quiltshow.....wish I could hop on a plane right now.......

  9. Ohhhhh....LOVE your table runner (and your table)- so nice! Great quilts too - such a nice touch to put that touch of applique on the back.

  10. Love the asymmetrical quilt with the scalloped border! And you star rug is fabulous! I agree, staying home over holiday weekends is best.

  11. We are relaxing at home too. Love your rug runner!!
    The MB blocks are lovely too.

  12. Love your hooked table runner it is so cute. Great quilts also, very impressive quilting on them.

  13. Your Star Table Runner is positively lovely !!
    We love staying home on Labor Day Weekend - listening to crickets and watching the first few leaves fall.

  14. Your runner is awesome, Gayle.

    I've placed hooking in the back burner for a while and I think it's time to get back at it.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Oh my love your rug mats!! Enjoy!


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