Monday, July 1, 2013

Most Unusual Sewing Project

I've sewn a lot of different stuff through the years, but this is a first. Hubby decided to build a sandbox for the grand kids to play in when they come to our house in the summer - we don't really have a lot of outdoor toys for them so we thought this would be great. We knew that we didn't want an in-ground sand box because if they sat in it sand would get in their shoes and pants and eventually end up in the house. So he made a table sandbox just the right size so they can stand around all four sides and access the pails, trucks and shovels. 

We have a real problem with the neighbor cats using our yard for their litter box so we knew that  the sandbox needed a cover to prevent that from happening in there (yuck!). I expected just a board to place on top of the sandbox when it wasn't being used, but hubby constructed an arched framework using PVC pipe and wire.

It wasn't too hard to trace off the shapes and take measurements to sew a cover from fabric for the framework. At first I wanted to use bright cheerful colors - JoAnn had their outdoor fabrics on sale awhile ago for 50% off and I thought that would be perfect - tough and semi weather proof. However, I needed four yards and that would have set me back $40 - too much money. I ended up finding this lightweight fabric - sort of like rip stop nylon - at Walmart for $1 per yard and it worked perfectly even though it's kind of boring. There are fabric tabs underneath with velcro attached that wrap around the PVC pipe to hold the cover in place.

As an added bonus our little grandson has discovered that it makes a fun hiding place when the cover is placed on the lawn and he crawls under it - kids that age LOVE hiding! Now we just need to convince him to keep the sand in the sand box instead of dumping it on our brick patio! LOL

On the quilting front, I have finished the top of my RW&B pinwheel quilt - I might get it machine quilted by Thursday, but it's not a sure thing. I tried to find some red, white & blue variegated thread at the store this morning, but had not luck so I'll just use variegated blue. (unless anyone has a better suggestion?)


  1. We had to have a cover on the sandbox we made for our kids when they were young--too many farm cats around. But ours wasn't nearly as clever as yours, nor as much fun!
    I love your pinwheel quilt, Gayle.
    I haven't always been crazy about my results when I quilt with variegated thread that totally changes colors, unless I was using it on very multi-colored fabric, like a batik. The colors always seem to end up in the wrong place and I don't like the look. I am happier with the variegated shades of one color. Just my preference.

  2. Try some iron on applique pieces to liven up your cover! You are so clever and so is your husband! Thanks for sharing!

    Cheery wave from

  3. Very creative sandbox and cover! I'm sure it will well used. Sweet little patriotic quilt! Good luck on your thread.:)

  4. First of all, the idea of the raised sandbox is wonderful! Kudos to you for sewing the cover... I'm not sure I would be able to tackle something like that.. how fun that is serves as a cover and a hiding place! Love your R,W, and B quilt! Happy 4th to you and your family!

  5. Aren't you a clever woman; you and your hubby make quite a perfect match in your creativeness.


  6. Love the sandbox idea and especially the cover. Quilters can sew almost anything. Have a wonderful holiday.

  7. What a great sandbox! I wouldn't have thought to raise it up - good teamwork with you and hubby too! Love your little quilt and I think the blue thread will work just fine!

  8. that's a great sandbox, love the cover you made too!

  9. Clever idea for the sandbox. Works really good that way!

  10. You could always paint some fun designs in bright colors to liven the fabric up a bit! You are very creative and imaginative, can come up with great fun ideas to decorate it. ;0)

    Your patriotic quilt turned out get so much accomplished...I'm in awe.


  11. Your grandkids certainly have motivated you and Barry to create the most wonderful things. Love the sandbox complete with cover.

  12. Love the sandbox table and the cover you made for it. Little kids and sand are a perfect combination don't you think? They just love playing with it. Your quilt top is beautiful, hope you will find the right trhread to quilt it.

  13. First off, I love the idea that the sand box is standing on legs ! (They do this at our community farm show with loose corn for the kids to play with.)
    The cover is wonderful, and although you say it is not an interesting fabric...I kind of like that it "blends" rather than jumps out at you. Wonderful solution for an outdoor sandbox. ;)

  14. I love that quilt! I stole the border idea from another one I made several years ago.
    The sandbox looks like it was a hit.

  15. What a clever cover! Love the quilt -- such great contrast. Sarah

  16. Pictures are worth thousands of words, it’s nice to see the attention to detail from your end. Thanks From Canberra deck

  17. That is pretty unusual! But a great idea. Love your star quilt. Mimi

  18. That is pretty unusual! But a great idea. Love your star quilt. Mimi


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