Saturday, April 6, 2013

Row Rug Finished

It's taken me almost eleven months, but my row rug is finally finished - YAY! Can't believe it took me so long -  because it wasn't really a hard project - guess I got distracted by too many little quilts calling out to me.

Another view showing how each row is a different design. The finished size of the rug is 26" x 53" and I used a #8 cut for the entire thing.

And here you can see the crocheted edge I attempted for the first time. I had yardage of this brown wool and it was great to cut strips of wool that were three feet long to use for this. Although it's not perfect, it's good enough for me.

I think my favorite row is the red & gold Greek Key at the  far right end - what's yours?


  1. Just got home from a quick trip to the grocery store--read your email and saw that you were posting and had to come see this rug.
    Wonderful, Gayle! Favorite row? Hmm--I guess I'd have to say the darker blue zigzag with the rows of color behind it. But the whole thing looks great, including the crocheted edge!

  2. Oh Gayle, its gorgeous! I've tried to pick a favorite row but keep changing my mind. They each have a unique charm.

  3. I think it's wonderful, love the different rows and the colors, great job!

  4. Very nice!! That looks like it would be difficult to hook!!

  5. The hearts are talking to me but I really love all of it.

  6. I love the blue scallop border with the yellow and red circles--very sweet! Did you design this rug yourself? Lovely!

  7. Your rug looks like it would be a hard design to do but you say it wasn't. Just looks very precise to me. A nice finish.

  8. Gayle, your rug looks great!! I love the whole thing, but I do like the blue zigzag with the fun colors behind it!! What rug is next?

  9. Great finish. It is hard to pick a favorite row...perhaps the zig zag row.

  10. Oh Wow it is gorgeous and I'm green with envy---haven't hooked in forever!! Maybe I should pull a few worms and make a tiny something. :D Love the row by row pattern.

  11. Beautiful! I like them all but if I had to choose a favorite, I would probably pick the row right next to the red and gold keys but I also like the paisley looking one in the middle.

  12. is beautiful. You really expect me to pick a favorite. Ok.....All of them. I really love it. Hugs

  13. Gayle! That is absolutely gorgeous!!

  14. Oh, Gayle - your rug is amazing! Gosh it is hard to pick a favorite row, they are all wonderful. I think I like the triangles. Love it!

  15. Like Kim, I tried to pick a favorite row and couldn't. They all have charm of their own. Congratulations for getting it finished. Now ENJOY ...
    Have a great week.

  16. I have several favorites....the greek key, the paisley, the ultra thin striped blocks, and that yummy wavy line with the dots on both sides! Awesome!!! I think your edge treatment is perfect for it, too! Well done!

  17. My favorite row is the blue zigzag with the stripes behind it... love the entire rug! Congrats on a great finish!

  18. I love the blue zig zag through the coloured stripes - its a great rug, congratulations on a finish!

  19. Too hard to pick a favorite :-} Wonderful rug! What did you think of the crochet edge? I like the look but I found it hard on the hands and took much longer than I anticipated.
    Hugs :)

  20. Stunning!! I think I like the triangles the best! Will you use this on the floor or hang it? I can't wait to do this some day...I am gathering supplies and wool stash!

  21. How perfectly wonderful, Gayle!! I truly love this design. I may have to try a row rug of my own. Your colors are wonderful, too. LOVE IT!!

    Hugs, Linda

  22. Fabulous! I've not seen anything so nice before. Each of the rows is wonderful - congrats on a great finish!


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