Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Peek Into My Studio

Strangely enough, I caught a very rare bug recently, and spent two whole days tidying a small corner of my studio. Now it looks presentable enough to share with the world, so I snapped a few pictures.  

I had started work a bit before I remembered to document my process, so this picture has a few empty spots on the fabric shelf that I had already cleared off.

I weeded out a LOT of fabrics - some were poor quality - and some were terribly sun faded because I'd had them for years and years. This is the pile of discards that I sent to the thrift store. I know I could have found a better place to donate them to, but I was on a roll and just wanted them out of the house.

Here is the shelf unit AFTER I had sorted and refolded every single piece there. Now I have room to buy lots more new fabric - smart, huh? LOL Actually - on the back side of these shelves there is another unit exactly the same that is already pretty full too - I need to do the same thing there and refold & organize all of those.

Some of the pieces I kept were quite small, so I cut them into strips and now they are sorted into labeled baskets  - will be very handy for finding just what I need. And since scrap quilts are my favorite kind, I can just reach in and grab a piece.

Above the bookshelf with the baskets I have a quilt hanging on the wall that I made years and years ago - it's even hand quilted and it's been a long, long time since I've done that to any of my quilts!

And just to the left of these baskets I arranged a fun little vignette with a small quilt and some other goodies I like to display.

It sure feels good to have this done - don't know when I'll ever get to the rest of the room. There are stacks of wool for my rug hooking that could use the same treatment - but I'll just take baby steps and call it good! Hope you enjoyed the tour.


  1. Gayle,
    Oh to be so organized! Your studio looks like a nice fabric store! I like those bins you have the scraps in. It sounds like you had fun! Looks like a comfortable cozy place to sew surrounded by all that fabric!
    Cathy G

  2. Wow, Gayle, you're serious about quilting and your studio looks so organized and well stocked.


  3. Looks like a room in which I would love to play! : )
    Both of the little quilts you show here are so sweet, Gayle. Everything you make talks to me!

  4. Your fabrics look fabulous all neatly folded and ready for whatever comes along next. It's a refreshing feeling to move unmotivating fabric on to others who might have just the right plan. Well done!

  5. How nice to get some organizing/cleaning done!!!! Everything looks wonderful and I LOVE your little quilts!!! So precious!!


  6. Now that's a fabric stash! And there's more on the other side??? Your organization is impressive... what a fun studio to be creative in!

  7. Looks like that bug did you some good...it's always more fun to play in the sewing room when it's neat...little quilts are wonderful...

  8. One step at the time Gayle. It looks great all those fabrics assorted by color. Love your little display. Your room looks great!

  9. Oh my gosh, Gayle...so nice to be so organized!!!

    Love your little quilts, too.

    :) Carolyn

  10. A candy store of fabric !! Those nice organized shelves of fabric get the creativity going. ;)
    I really like your bins of small fabrics. Very clever idea.
    I need to come up with a plan for my small pieces of wool.

  11. It does make you feel good when you tidy up your craft room. If you're like me though, it won't be long until it's in disarray again darn it!

  12. I want to catch that bug! It looks so organized...a pleasant place to create.

  13. That is an impressive stash. And you made it all look so pretty.

  14. I think you better go shopping! There's space to fill! Love your stash - isn't it fun to just look at it, sitting there all pretty!?

  15. Lovely! I think the baskets look great and are so practical!! And easy access to get to when you need strips.
    I recognize some of those "dogs". Mine are still in my stash! lol

  16. Wished I had been at your thrift store for the fabrics! I could have cut them up and woven into one of my rugs!
    Great to see all the fabrics so neat and organized.

  17. You put a BIG smile on my face. It looks wonderful!! Way to go girl, it looks amazing. Jeanette

  18. You put a BIG smile on my face. It looks wonderful. Jeanete

  19. This wonderful vignette would fit right into our living room. Unfortunately, I don´t have a sewing room at present where I could get organized so I´m surrounded by a single mess all day ;)

  20. Your shelves look great, and good for you getting things that you've sorted out of the house. That is one of my problems...when I sort and leave things sit here I end up slowly bringing them back into the sewing room. I love the quilts, too.

  21. It always feels so good to get everything organized and prettied up. Now it's time to play!

  22. Gayle your studio looks great!Any time you are ready you can come help me.LOL! Love the little quilts.Hugs,Jen

  23. Love your shelf of fabric and organizing bins. I did some straightening and cleaning up in my sewing room a couple of weeks ago. Feels freeing!

  24. Your fabric looks great lined up on the shelves and I am sure a quilter will leap on your discards with glee down at the charity shop! I love your little quilts, both of them look great in your newly organised space. Can you recommend a good book for learning to piece minatures? I want to start making some, but the fiddly piece mean less accuracy and I hoped some smart teacher had documented her secrets!

  25. PS I realy like your organisation for scrap strips, wish I had that much space....and a cutting fairy! What are you going to make next?

  26. Gayle ~
    Looks great! I so need to organize my wool.
    Hugs :)

  27. Oh yes organization does feel so good doesn't it! I have to be in just the right mood to get started, but then I seem to really enjoy the process. The only downside is the inability to find things after they get all "organized"! Thanks for showing us a peek into your studio - fun!!

  28. Gayle, Your studio looks so neat and organized...I'm jealous! Mine is in need of attention...a LOT of attention!


  29. it all looks wonderful!, love those shelves.

  30. Doesn't it feel good to get things organized? Love that post on Kay's rug. Mimi

  31. You are so organized now, the shelf looks great and room for new stuff..woohoo. Have you gone shopping yet? I love your little quilt.

  32. Love the fabric bins. I have a few in my craft room, but could probably use 100 more. :)

  33. Gayle, i am most impressed.. thanks for the inspiration to do the same in my studio!! i do love the quilt on the wall and i'm smitten with your tiny quilt & adorable vignette.. right up my alley :)))

  34. Oh my , I will never show my studio...yours was organized BEFORE you started compared to mine...I need to get organized...Hope you are feeling better !

  35. WOW! You have been busy ready to start on mine?


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