Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Emma Lou Lais

I'm a self taught rug hooker who started about ten years ago. After a couple of years I was able to find a group in Salt Lake City to hook with, and when they told me that Emma Lou Lais was coming to teach a three day class I jumped at the chance to attend. This is the rug I worked on during that workshop - I can't believe I've never gotten those chimneys finished! LOL

I was so sad to read a few days ago that Emma Lou died last week. The rug hooking community has lost a great teacher and inspired designer. You can read her obituary here, and leave a message  in the guest book if you'd like. She had an amazing career as a singer before she ever began rug hooking.


  1. I love this rug, Gayle. So how long would it take to finish the chimneys? : )

  2. Gayle ~
    What a loss to the rug hooking community. How lucky you had the opportunity to learn from her.
    Oh my! You are so close on that rug.
    Pug hugs :)

  3. Thanks for sharing the obit with me. I feel privledged to have taken two workshops from Emma Lou at Jennifer's house. So intimate and personal and an amazing experience with a grand lady.

  4. I love this rug, Gayle. So how long would it take to finish the chimneys? : )


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