Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Not Too Much to Share

I don't have too much exciting to share today, but I finally got all the hooking done on my small rugs. I need to press them and cut them apart, then I'll stitch each one with a backing and stuff them little little pillows to be displayed in a bowl or basket.

I recently made a trip to California and back - about a twelve hour drive each way. I thought I'd get a lot of handwork done, but the truck was too rough so I didn't do as much as I'd hoped. Got some work done on some small hexagon projects that I've started. The small diamonds are about the size of a dime, and the ones in long rows are the size of quarters. I'm not exactly sure of how these will be sewn together yet, but it's coming together in my mind a bit.

My camera is having some issues - I went to a quilt show last week and snapped a whole bunch of pictures, but none of them turned out. Looks like I'll have to send the camera in for repair - luckily there are still two weeks left on the one year warranty - yay!


  1. Gayle, you have plenty to show--such quality in what you do! Your little hooked pillows are going to make a wonderful display. Do you have a bowl in mind? I envision something wooden, hand carved, but maybe you have a totally different image.
    What beautiful, tiny hexagons. Love those rich colors. Can't wait to see what they become. : )

  2. oh my gosh gayle! nothing to show! i love the little hooked mats. they will make great little pillow tucks! and love the hexagons... great projects! enjoy your day!

  3. Your little rugs are wonderful! Looks like you have a lot to share! :)

  4. Now those are small hexagons....cute rugs...

  5. Love your little hooked mats, Gayle!! They will look fantastic as little pillows...


  6. love all those,love the "littles".

  7. Your needlepunch is fantastic! It will make a wonderful, beautiful bowl filler!!
    You've got bitten by the hexagon craze?! Very nice!!

  8. Gayle, love your little mats!!!

  9. Your hexagon projects are wonderful -- such lovely rich colours.

  10. Your small projects are big accomplishments. You have really been working small scale, but still huge in the amount of work.

  11. your rugs are so cute what a great idea. I love the quilt idea.

  12. Those little mats are perfect! Your work is very inspiring, too - I've always wanted to try hooking!! Of course, I should probably finish stenciling and painting around here first....or NOT! lol

    I can't wait to see them when you finish! :-D

  13. Those are going to make some beautiful little pillows Gayle, love the colors and designs!

    So sad that you lost all the pictures you took at the quilt show. Hopefully your camera will be ready by the next show. =]

    Good to get back over here to catch up and see all your beautiful work. Have a delightful week, my sweet friend~

  14. Being a sampler enthusiast - I love alphabets on ANYTHING and I think your quilt is going to be awesome! Love the hexi one too - I'm glad to see a visual of how those paper pieces work - I've been tempted to try the hexie's but I just CAN NOT get involved with another wonderful craft. Cheers Melody


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