Saturday, July 28, 2012

Little Drawers & Shoes

I have a 'thing' for little drawers - lots of great pictures on my Pinterest board will attest to that! It's always been my fondest dream to own an old library card catalog and I've searched for years to find one that's affordable. Well, DD#2 called me last week to tell me about one she had seen listed in an online classified. Turns out the gal who was selling it lived only a couple miles away from me so I went to take a look. It wasn't exactly what I'd been dreaming about, but it was in good condition and the price was reasonable, so I bought it and brought it home.

Spent an entire day cleaning, sanding, dismantling the drawer fronts, and painting it red. The next day I reassembled it all and put it up in my studio. 

As you can see from this picture, the drawers are made of plastic - just the front piece is wood, so it's not really very old, and I didn't feel the least bit guilty about painting it. When I find the set I've been dreaming about, I figure I can sell this one and upgrade. Now I just need to fill all those little drawers with sewing notions etc.....

I've been looking for a pair of these shoes for a couple years now, and finally found some on ebay. Aren't they perfect for a quilter to wear? And they're amazingly comfortable! Yay!


  1. Love all of your little drawers - and I want to see them when they are full! And love it even more after you painted it red!

  2. I hope you were wearing those shoes as you made your Granny Square blocks! And red is the perfect color for your new very cute table.

  3. Jealous on both counts, Gayle. Wonderful acquisitions! : )

  4. both are great, love those shoes!

  5. Love the red! And so many drawers. I'm sure you are in love with it for now.

  6. Can I just say I am completely jealous??? I LOVE your "new" card catalog! How perfect for your sewing room and it's RED!! ♥ Your shoes are pretty darn cute too :)

  7. Gayle,

    What a great find!! Love the new red color!!

  8. Fantastic idea! And I love the red you painted it!!

  9. I love your card catalog. What a perfect addition for storage. You really changed the look from okay to "too cute" with the red color. Great job!

  10. I had to laugh out loud when you mentioned your Pinterest board with all the drawers... that's one of my favorite boards of yours, hehe! Love them too!

    Adorable makeover you did on the card catalog, love the red! I'm with you... I'm okay with sanding and re-painting the newer pieces but once I find an old card catalog, that baby will be cleaned up and used in my crafting space. I've been looking for awhile too and I won't give up.

  11. Just love your little drawers and red is my favourite colour..... very cute...


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