Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Apron-ology is a magazine that I enjoy looking through on occasion. In the most recent issue my attention was caught by a cute bib-type apron that was covered with rows and rows of ruffles. It was made by a talented gal named Rae who blogs HERE

This is her apron - she calls it a farmhouse apron.
The next three photos show the aprons that I made this week using hers for inspiration. The red one is for me and I used an apron I've owned for years - just added the ruffles.

The one with all the bright colors is for DD#1 -  I purchased a white apron from JoAnn Fabrics and embellished it using leftover fabrics from the quilt I made for her last summer. She has Fiestaware dishes in her kitchen, so I could've/should've gone even brighter! LOL

And this brown & white one is for DD#2 - hope the colors will work in her kitchen. I made this apron from scratch and even had to purchase the brown & white fabrics that I thought she would like.

Neither of the girls have seen these aprons in person yet - they don't even know I was making them - so if they see him here they'll be surprised! (in a good way I hope!) Hopefully, these aprons are so busy, that a stain here or there will never even be noticeable! LOL

Rae is also a rug hooker - and does other projects using wool. Plus, she has a studio that's drool-worthy. If you'd care to see these other items, go to her blog HERE and click on the Gallery link.


  1. Gayle - You ARE A DOLL! Thank you for your kind, kind words and shout out! I also was thrilled to see your aprons! THEY ARE WONDERFUL!!! I am so happy you found inspiration in my Apron-ology article! Look forward to visiting your great blog more often!!!

  2. Wonderful aprons! I'm sure your DD's will love them!

  3. I had no idea there was a magazine just about aprons!
    Very cute ones you made--I especially love your red one! I wear aprons all the time in the kitchen. Can never have enough. What fun these are!

  4. Gayle, your aprons are beautiful and fun. My favorite one is the brown and white one. JB

  5. Flamenco Aprons for dancing in the kitchen, the red is perfect:)

  6. Those are really cute! When you wore them you would hate to see them get dirty!

  7. I love them! Lucky daughters! I've seen that magazine, but never really checked it out. I'll have to give it a look.

  8. Gayle, I loved the aprons! What a fun project (as well as useful!!)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!