Monday, March 19, 2012

This & That

When I went for my visit to California last month, I took a bunch of 1-1/2" strips of fabric with me so I'd have a project to work on if I had some down time. I got the quilt top all pieced but I'm not very happy with it - not enough color perhaps? It measures about 25" x 36".

I chose the design after seeing this pillow on a recent trip to IKEA and figuring out how to replicate it using more that two fabrics.Kind of reminds me of a zipper.

My new hooked rug measures 24" square and I finally put it on the table with a big old wooden bowl - just like I had originally planned. Found some nice-looking apples and pears to put inside of it and I'm happy with it - now to decide on my next project.

I read a LOT of blogs - and thought I knew about all those related to rug hooking - but I stumbled upon one the other day that is new to me. A mother/daughter team who are just delightful. Stop by and visit them at Ewe & Eye Designs.

Karen Kahle of Primitive Spirit recently started blogging and she shares lots of good information with her readers. I loved seeing her new studio - and she has posted a tutorial on how to make a spiral chair pad that is awesome.

A couple weeks ago I won a giveaway that Lauren had on her blog - I received a copy of the new book that Polly Minick & Laurie Simpson wrote. I have all of their other books so I was excited to add this one to my library. There is a great pattern for Lady Liberty that I really like in it.  And, because Lauren is such a sweetie, she included one of her hand-stamped spoon necklaces - what a treat for me! It's been fun to wear it!


  1. I think you did a great job replicating the look of the pillow. If you don't like it there is a nice home for it here. : )
    Your little rug looks very nice in its new place of honor!
    Is Lauren's blog where you got the idea to stamp spoons?

  2. I love that little quilt, you did a great job. maybe once its quilted and has texture to it you will be happier.
    Great new rug, wow looks great on the table.
    I have that book on my list of books to buy, glad you like it.

  3. Your quilt is beautiful. That rug looks super on the table with the wooden bowl. Don't you just love that Lauren...she makes the best stuff!

  4. I also like it
    If more color , how about adding a same design borer with screaming colors, or an orange colored border.or slicker/school bus yellow or a bunch of green.

  5. I like your quilt, it's a bit different. Congrats on winning! I love your rug with the bowl and fruit, the grain in the table just makes it radiate.

  6. I like your newest quilt! What a fun pattern you used.
    Your rug is lovely!! It looks fabulous on the table.

  7. gayle, love your new zipper quilt! i like the colors in it. also love your finished rug under your wood bowl! thanx for passing on a couple good blogs to add to our lists! enjoy your day!

  8. Love your new quilt!I think you did a fantastic job on replicating the pattern of the pillow.Your rug looks great the way you have it displayed.

    Congrats on winning the book!I can't wait to see your next project.Hugs,Jen

  9. I love your little table topper rug. It reminds me of the little quilt by Cheri that was in the Prim magazine....I did that one, too and thought I was the only one to notice the mistake in directions!!!


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