Monday, January 9, 2012

Rug Hooking

Last week our rug hooking group met at my house and we had a nice turnout because the weather cooperated - there has been no snow so far this winter to hinder travel. Without further ado, I'll share photos of the rug projects that everyone was working on that day.

Jeanette brought her finished Americana rug.The antique black background has great movement in it!

I love the finished edge on this one - she used a ticking stripe to make a facing for the prairie points. She said the instructions in the book were no help at all in explaining how to do this, but she finally figured it out all on her own.

Here's a picture so you can see close up the way it looks on the back.

Sharon is working on a new rug for the floor at her front door that has quilt blocks on it. The plaid wools she is using look really cool when they're hooked up - and I like the way she's hooking nearly the entire rug using straight lines. She says that it does get kinda boring, so she'll probably start another rug soon so she can switch back and forth between them.

Sandy brought a quilt for show & tell - the very first one that she's ever made! It was a mystery quilt with kits put together by her LQS and we all ooh'd & aah'd over it.

Angela is working on a rug of her own design - I love the beading she's done on it.

Kim drew some cute mittens hanging on a line and is hooking them with some fun bright colors and a black background.

And Tonia is making headway on this huge rug designed by Karen Kahle.

On Saturday our Rug Hooking Guild had our quarterly meeting where we were each provided with an inexpensive plastic photo album. Then we were turned loose with scrapbooking paper and rubber stamps and ink pads to design a cover for it. The idea is to use these photo albums to store pictures of the rugs that we hook so we'll have a record of them. Since some rugs are given away as gifts, it's nice to remember exactly what it looked like. You can also include information about when it was hooked, who designed it, what kind of backing was used, etc......

Here's a picture of my album, and you can see the rest that were made on the Guild's blog.


  1. Oh wow! Jeanette's Americana rug is beautiful! Yes, the background really caught my eye. Angela's design is beautiful too!

  2. Everything just looks so good. The first rug is amazing in color, thanks so much for showing the back. It helps me to see how it's all put together like that. i love that beautiful quilt and the other rugs as well. It amazes me the way the different colors and textures combine the way they do, no mere craft, but art from the hands! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Gayle ~
    What a great rug show, but my favorite is the Karen Kahle rug.
    Happy hooking! (Where's your rug?)
    Hugs :)

  4. Beautiful rugs, Gayle. I thought the quilt looked familiar. I have seen it hanging in MGFQS. That shop was flooded by a burst pipe during the night and is closed today--just when I was planning on dropping by. Is Sandy from Cache Valley?

  5. Love the rug and have accomplished alot.

  6. Thanks for sharing! I just love to see all the neat creations!Really like the journals!

  7. Hi Gayle,

    Lots of talent there! I too really like the Karen Kahle...I love rugs with houses...the colors are so calming.
    Thanks for sharing,

  8. Gayle, Thanks for the link to your blog! I had a great time visiting! I'd love to come to one of the rug hooking gatherings.

  9. Such pretty rugs! I have to admit, my favorite it the one that Tonia's working on. It just speaks to me!


  10. What beautiful pieces everyone is working on. How fun to have a group to do what you love with. We are having great weather over here in Idaho too. -Steph-

  11. I wish I was a hooker!! Lol. I just love all of these.

  12. You all do wonderful work! I love show and tell like this. I especially liked the ticking border—very creative!

  13. Oh my but I sure did miss this somehow; guess my attention was more on my hooking my robin that blog surfin. Beautiful rug display, thank you for sharing.


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