Friday, January 27, 2012

Quilting Frenzy

I have been a quilting fool this month - making one small quilt after another - and not just flimsies - but actually quilting and binding them! They're all washed and crinkled now - YUM!

It all started with this one that was a Mystery Quilt from Temecula Quilt Store. I got it done quickly and realized how much I enjoyed the size and the instant gratification. 17" x 20"

I decided to follow along with Kathleen Tracy and made this one. I do have the book, but couldn't lay my hands on it, so just guessed about the size of the blocks - close enough for me! It measures about 19" square. For some reason this block gave me fits - I probably had to unpick at least six of the blocks which is very unusual for me. But I perservered and conquered the project!

Next was this little pinwheel quilt - I can't remember who shared on their blog recently about how to draw the template for this block, but six of them worked up really quickly - I'd actually like to make a larger quilt like this one some day! 12-1/2" x 16"

Cheri's quilt in Primitive Quilts & Projects magazine was next on the list. I love the combination of scrap piecing and wool applique. I discovered errors in the instructions, but made it work anyway. 17" x 23".

A version of this quilt is in one of my Jo Morton books, so I grabbed my basket of 1" strips and started sewing. Kinda wish I'd made the very center strip a bit longer so the proportions were more pleasing to the eye, but it'll do. 17" x 18". (Did you know that Jo has moved her blog?)

For this quilt I used my 1-1/2" scraps - I don't believe that any of the fabrics are duplicated on this one which makes it fun. Finished size is 18" x 21".

I followed along with Cheri on her blog when she shared instructions for making this small vintage reproduction quilt......

......but I decided it needed something more in the middle. Since it's close to Valentine's Day and the colors were so suggestive of that day - I cut out a red wool heart for the center. It's not actually attached to the quilt yet, but should take me just a few minutes to stitch it on. 15" x 17"

These go nicely with the small Grandmother's Flower Garden variation I made back in October when we went to Santa Fe. 16" x 20".

And even though I made these next two quilts several years ago, I don't think I've ever shared photos of them before. This one is 19" square - - - -

- - - - and this one is 12-1/2" x 14". Each star block measures about 1-3/4" square.

Last night as I was stitching the last of the bindings down, I had all the quilts spread out on the floor around me so I could admire them. Hubby didn't quite understand why we had quilted carpet, so he'll be glad to find them picked up when he gets home from work today.

As far as displaying these, I'd like to hang them en masse on one big wall - perhaps in the guest room eventually. That's actually the only room with enough in the house with enough  empty wall space where they'd fit. If I ever get them up I'll share another photo then.

Hope you enjoyed my mini quilt show. I've had a blast working on them for the last two weeks and actually have a couple others started already. Not sure when I'll get back to my hooking!


  1. These are lovely... They would be beautiful in a grouping on a wall! :)

  2. love the minis! Whenever I see little mini/doll quilts I always think they would make such great colour studies and experiments before working on a larger project. Just like little punchneedle piece, for trying out a bigger rug idea.

    I think displaying them all together on a wall would be fantastic....and hope you post pictures if you end up doing it.

    Congrats on your productivity!

  3. Wow, look at you go, girl!! I've made almost as many minis lately, but they are mostly still in flimsy stage. You are amazing! I love them all. I love the gallery idea, Like Kathie Holland and Dawn @ Collector with a Needle have done. I tell myself that is what mine are for, but I need to finish them first! I really like the "Mourning Blocks"--is that what it is called? And the way you made the heart in the pink and red one. So good! Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Oh my goodness, Gayle!
    You have gotten so many little quilts done. They are marvelous! You are an awesome quilter!!!
    Hugs :)

  5. Whew I am worn out just reading about your creativity. They are just lovely.

  6. WOW! I have a friend who makes tiny quilts and it is AMAZING to look at them up close. Yours are beautiful.
    So, you have new pictures, so I'm guessing you figured out your trouble. Was it the size of your pictures? And if so, what did you have to do? And if not, what was it?
    I love blogger, but I'm like you, I am not going to pay picasa.
    Is it warm out in your neck of the woods? Do have more snow than we do here in the Basin?

  7. I loved your mini quilt show!! Very nice Gayle!!

  8. Enjoyed it? My goodness girl...I loved it! You know how I admire you quilters. I love quilts, but not the measuring and cutting. You do such beautiful work...I'm in awe. I love seeing so much of your wonderful work! If you mount them all together, please share pics!!

  9. You have been busy, they all look wonderful!

  10. You have been one busy busy girl! Love them all! :-)

  11. OOOOOoooo! So pretty! They all look so nice! :)

  12. Is your sewing machine smoking? WOW! What a great collection! Love them all! OLM

  13. Gayle - I feel i just left a quilt show! Wowzer - what beauties!

  14. Nice to see you back to quilting. I know you've been featured for your work with mini-quilts.

  15. Wow, wow, wow!! All that quilting has me wore out! They are beautiful Gayle, every single one of them! I really enjoyed looking at your pictures. A quilt wall with these would be absolutely gorgeous!!

  16. Fantastics little quilts. You have been a busy girl.

  17. Amazing! You must do the gallery wall you described. You've really got the touch - quality and quantity! Thanks for a wonderful Saturday morning quilt show... enjoyed in my robe and slippers while sipping my coffee. Wow!

  18. Wow! You have amazing talent! The variety is outstanding, and to see them all together. Just wonderful thanks so much for sharing. I'd love to see your wall!

  19. You are on a small quilt roll. The Cheri one is my favorite. Keep on going with those small ones and make some Christmas gifts. I want to be on the list. LOL!

  20. Wow Gayle...what wonderful little quilts! You have really been busy. It's truly impossible to pick a favorite, but something about that pinwheel pattern and the color combo...I love it! Won't you have fun hanging them!
    Good job my friend!

  21. I just loved the mini quilt show I too, have fallen in love with the size wish I could attach a photo so you could see too!

  22. These quilts are amazing! I LOVE the one with the heart in the center especially. Gorgeous!

  23. I LOVE everyone of your little quilts. So fun to look at. Perfect to group on a wall.

  24. Great little quilts love your version of the tutorial I did. Isn't it fun making little quilts!

  25. Thanks so much for the lovely quilt beautiful and do you do it? I wanted to do the Kathleen Tracy QAL...and may still join in. Love her little quilts!

  26. Whoa, whoa whoa! Amazing, and what a great idea on how you will display them! Wonderful play!

  27. oh my~!!~you are one busy gal~!
    all of these is sweet and will be fun to put together on a small quilt gallery wall.



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