Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Time for a Giveaway!

This giveaway is now closed, and the winner has been announced above.

I've been fortunate enough to win a fair amount of giveaways lately, so I decided it was time to give back to the blogging community by having my own giveaway. I think mostly rug hookers will be interested in entering because all these goodies are related to that. Here's a picture of all the treasures.

And some close-ups of the various items. A pincushion made from an extra hexagon block that was leftover from a little quilt I recently made. It's stuffed with sand and polyfil.

A pattern that I have already made for a hit & miss star rug - no sense having this just sit around when someone else can get some use out of it.

Here's a candle mat that I made when I taught a penny rug class to our guild a couple of months ago.

A little sheep to add to your collection - he has a tiny rusty bell tied around his neck and has clothes pin legs.

This is a cover for an iPod that's made of wool that will protect your screen from scratches.

A little tiny tote bag that is filled with a few pieces of yummy colored wool all rolled up.

Also included is a worm bed made of ticking where you can store your cut strips of wool and keep them organized by color and they won't get tangled before you need to use them.

Please leave a comment here on my blog and be sure there is a way for me to contact you. I will draw the winner on Saturday night or sometime on Sunday. Thanks to all of you for visiting and being part of the this blogging rug hooking community I enjoy so much!


  1. Ooooh, I would LOVE to win this! :D

  2. Count me in too. Great giveaway!

  3. I would love to win, please enter me. Thank you so much! Blessings ~Sara

  4. Love all the goodies - thanks for the chance to win!

  5. Wonderful giveaway! I especially need a worm bed! Love all the little goodies!

  6. Fun giveaway Gayle! I'd be happy to be entered!! (And congrats on your lucky win from Courtney!!) Thanks so much for the opportunity!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Please count me in on your giveaway. I would love to win even if it was only for the sheep. Thanks for the chance.

  8. Count me in!! What great giveaway gifts! Congrats on winning my giveaway!!

  9. I follow your blog and what a fun giveaway! Thanks for the chance.

  10. I love your giveaway, please enter me in too, thanks!

  11. Wow, such a great giveaway! Please throw my name in the hat! Thanks so much!

  12. Gayle,
    Just love your blog--I read it everyday. I am a rug hooker, too, and would love to be entered in your drawing.
    Thank you!! Barbara -

  13. Where or where have you been? Have missed reading your blog.
    And oh could I use a worm bed! Haven't heard it called that before but it drives me nuts to have my wool strips all bunched together. Oh I hope I'm the lucky one!

  14. Gayle ~
    What a great give-away. Please throw my name in the worm basket.
    Pug hugs :)

  15. Well that was silly, I didn't leave an email...
    Thanks again!

  16. I love it all, Gayle! Our tastes are so similar...right down to the sheep who would look so great grazing on my grass. *wink*

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  17. Just think how happy those items would be in my little house on the east coast of Canada!

  18. Wow what a generous give a way. Thanks for a chance.

  19. OMGoodness - I love it all! What a wonderful giveaway. Please enter me for a chance to win. Thanks for your generosity :)
    Smiles, DianeM

  20. What a great giveaway!!! Count me in. Enjoy reading your blog!!!

  21. Congratulations on your wins and thanks for the wonderful giveaway. The sheep is especially cute.

  22. I love the braided rugs your wins are on.

  23. Wool is just the best. What wonderful items you are sharing. Enjoy reading your blog and see photo's. Thanks, Karin E:)

  24. Love all the goodies - especially that cute sheep!

    Thanks for your generosity.

    Charlotte S.

  25. All adorable things for sure. My feather tree is definitely orange. Love it. I think I got it up at the Secret Garden a couple of years ago. Mimi

  26. Please allow me to submit my name for your giveaway. Being so isolated from other hookers, it would be wonderful to have some hooking related doo-dads to help me feel more like a member of the hooking community.


  27. love to be in the giveaway!

  28. Hi Gayle. I did a post on my solar light last summer here is the link. Very fun and they look so cool at night hanging around the yard. Mimi


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