Monday, September 12, 2011

Extreme Room Makeover

Awhile ago I shared some photos of a quilt I was making for DD#1. She chose the pattern and the brightly colored fabrics, and I made it just like she wanted. But after I got started on it, I decided that I wanted to do more than just give her the quilt - I gave her a new bedroom to go with it! I spent the last three months planning and buying and painting and fixing and imagining how to make this a success and I think it worked! She and her hubby went on vacation for the entire week following Labor Day, so hubby, DD#2 and I descended on her empty house and got to work. Hubby helped with the painting, removed and reinstalled the blinds, put up the curtain rod, hung the chandelier, and helped carry in furniture. Then we got busy with the fun stuff, making up the bed with new sheets, the new quilt, a bedskirt, and a bunch of new throw pillows I made. We hung stuff on the wall that included empty frames, dinner plates and professional art. It was an awesome experience!

You can read more about it and see lots more pictures on DD#2's blog HERE.
Here are just two photos to give you and idea of what we accomplished.

(edited to add: I have now corrected the mistake I made labelling the two photos - thanks to all of you for bringing it to my attention)




  1. I think you have your photos reversed!

  2. I went over to DD's blog to make sure and they are reversed...and I love it!!!!! What a great job!

  3. Did you get the pictures mixed up? Looks really nice.

  4. Definitely reversed pictures. I LOVE it Mom! You did an amazing job, and it was totally unexpected. You're the best!

  5. WOW-ZERs! I am gone next weekend I will the key is under that mat!

  6. Oh, Gayle! Such a cheerful room! Makes me feel like dancing!

  7. Love it! You're a very generous and kind mother!! I read your daughter's blog, too ~ that room is beeeuuuutiful!!!

  8. WOW - that is amazing. It looks so wonderful. I can only imagine the look on her face when she walked in.
    I'll leave my house un-locked and you can pick any room you want - they are all in desperate need!

  9. What a great transformation. Love the vivid colors -- and the quilt is fabulous.

  10. what an awesome surprise! I'm sure your daughter was thrilled -- who wouldn't be?!?! :-D

  11. I really like the "before" picture better.......just kidding, I know they are backwards. It all turned out fantastic!!

  12. The room has come alive! Beautiful job!!
    I think the "real" before photo was taken in my room.

  13. Oh Gayle, what a wonderful surprise! What did she say? What did she say??
    I think it's especially nice that so many in your family worked on it together. A real labor of love.

  14. Great job! I love all the bright colors - what a fun and funky room! I'm glad to realize your pics were reversed 'cause I was thinking, "Uh-oh, I really like the before better." Thank goodness the before is really the after.

  15. Wonderful job on the room, Gayle! I'm sure she was thrilled with the results. Isn't it fun to do something special, esp. as a surprise?

  16. Gee....the "before" is truly so much better! (JUST KIDDING!!! I figured out quickly on the labels were reversed!!!) LOVE it!!! Even though I'm not usually a "bright color" kinda gal in my room decor, this just sings!! It's so happy! So - are you into adoption? ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  17. How wonderful love how the quilt and room turned out. You are one GREAT MOM!
    Blessings Trace

  18. So adorable! Love the colors. Mimi

  19. WOW!! First of all, how very sweet of you and your daughter to go through all that trouble, planning for months. It turned out awesome! What an amazing transformation!! I love all the color and how you brought it all together to make one totally neat room! Great job!!

  20. Just amazing! Such wonderful color.

  21. Wow! I bet she loves it! Great job Gayle!


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