Monday, June 13, 2011

Same Design - Different Fibers

I made this rug a few years ago, but I had forgotten that it was originally designed to be a quilt pattern.......

.........until I recently saw this post on Carol's blog showing the quilt she made using the same design. I love that quilting and rug hooking are so compatible!

The pattern can be found in Lori Smith's book titled "Fat Quarter Quilting".


  1. What a sweet little design! Love it both ways! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. That is so cool how that quilting and hooking can use the same design.You have given me an idea ,thanks.It looks great both ways.Hugs,Jen

  3. I like it most in the rug you made.

  4. They are both wonderful. I really want to learn how to hook one of these days!

  5. that is a gorgeous rug. You know, I have wondered about doing that, I just hadn't did it yet. I really like how it turned out and I have so many quilt patterns.

  6. Isn't it fun to use the patterns across mediums? I have a few quilt patterns I have needle punched. What a bargain too in your previous post!
    Great fun!

  7. That is cool they are compatible. I love both quilt and rug.

  8. Oh, I love how yours turned out! It is such a sweet design! I like the way patterns can be reproduced using different mediums! Thank you so much for sharing! Cheers!


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