Thursday, July 22, 2010

Baby Love

DD#2 is expecting her first baby in September, and hubby & I are finally going to be grandparents! YAY! Her and I have been getting things ready for the baby and it's been a lot of fun for me - I was tickled that she asked me to help. I just pulled this little quilt out of the dryer and snapped a couple pictures of it to share with you - I love that it's so soft now - and the raw edges of the appliqued circles are fuzzy. I can just see our new baby boy all wrapped up in it and sleeping peacefully.

I love the colors that she chose - definitely not my normal palette, that's for sure!


You can see the rest of the baby's nursery here:

And you can see pictures from the recent baby shower that DD#1 produced here:

Families are what it's all about - don't you agree?  (BTW - his name is Tyce)


  1. Congratulations! I love the little quilt!

  2. That may be my favorite quilt ever. It is so cute and I love the colors! I sent you an email with the information about the fabric I used in my curtains, but I might as well tell you here too that I got the fabric at Hobby Lobby. Congratulations about being a first time grandparent. There's nothing better!

  3. love this quilt!
    and I love the nursery! Such bright happy colors, perfect for a little guy!

    Congratulations on the impending addition!

  4. I really like those color combinations. Very sweet and congrats on becoming a Grandma. Tyce will be spoiled, I'm sure.

  5. Congratulations to all of you Gayle, on the arrival of your 1st grandchild!
    I can imagine how excited you all must be as I have 4 grandchildren of my own.
    They are the best! As you will soon find out =)

    Blessings, Audrey

  6. I adore the colors in your little quilt! Looked at your daughters site and the baby nursery is just great! Love the orange pleats! Congratulations too, you must be super excited!
    Cathy G

  7. I love the quilt colors and really loved the baby's room ~ it is darling! And the shower looked like nothing was left undone ~ gorgeous! You and your daughter are very talented girls!! Enjoy your new grandson!!!

  8. Congratulations on the wonderful news!!! That quilt is really a show stopper and loved all the pictures of the nursery and shower. Just beautiful.

  9. Congratulations, there is nothing like grandchildren.
    The quilt is beautiful and I love the soft applique when it is washed.

  10. Hi! I've been blog hopping... hope you don't mind a comment from a stranger. ;) I love your stuff!!

  11. Hey Grandma!! Love every thing about this quilt, I really am loving circle quilts right now myself.

  12. Gayle ~
    Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you.
    What a great little quilt ~ will be perfect for your new little bundle of love!
    Pug hugs :)

  13. I love the little wishes for the soon to be little one...

  14. That is so adorable! I love the colors she chose... very bright and stimulating. The walls are bright, but a beautiful color! Your bedding brings the whole room together for a wonderful completed look.

    Yes, I agree 100%... families are what it's all about!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!